
Published Papers

The limits in the adoption of batteries (Energy Economics, 2022, v. 107, p. 105776), with Daniel Monte.

Passing through the supply chain: implications for market power (International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2021, v. 79, 102796), with Carolina Melo and Stefanie Sunao.

*(Poder de mercado pode agravar a alta do preço do gás de cozinha? Exame Magazine article - in Portuguese - using our results to analyze the recent increase in fuel prices in Brazil. Matéria da Revista )

Hydroelectric Generators Competing in Cascades (Revista Brasileira de Economia, 2020, 74 (1) Jan-Mar), with Daniel Monte.

The Economics ofSub-optimal Policies for Traffic Congestion (Journal of Transportation Economics and Policy, 2017, v. 51, no. 4), with Claudio Lucinda, Bruno Ledo and Andre Meyer.

Permanent excess demand as business strategy: an analysis of the Brazilian higher-education market (RAU-USP, 2015, v. 50, no. 1), with Eduardo Andrade and Carlos Silva.

Investigating the partial adjustment effect of Brazilian IPOs (Journal of Business Research, 2015, v. 68, no. 2), with Andrea Minardi and Rafael Plantier.

Follow the Leader: Competition and Market Power in the Auto Financing Sector (Estudos Econômicos, 2014, v. 44, no. 3), with Daniel SIlva.

Political Price Cycle in Regulated Industries: Theory and Evidence (American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2013, v. 5 no. 1), with Claudio Paiva.

Entry and Externality: Hydroelectric Generators in Brazil (International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2008, v. 26 no. 6).

Published Papers (Portuguese)

Demanda por Meios de Transporte na Grande São Paulo: Uma Análise de Políticas Públicas (Pesquisa e Planejamento Econômico, 2016, v. 46 no. 2), with Carlos Morotti Lopes.

O Oligopsônio dos Frigoríficos: Uma Análise Empírica de Poder de Mercado (Revista de Administração Contemporânea, v. 18, no. 6), with Lucille Golani.

Entradas e Bandeiras: A Estratégia de Interiorização das Cadeias de Fast Food (Revista de Administração de Empresas, 2012, v. 52 no. 1), com Alexandre Guerra.

Gasto em P&D e Poder de Mercado: Teoria e Evidência (Pesquisa e Planejamento Econômico, 2011, v. 41 no. 1), com Eduardo Correia de Souza.

Resenha: Economia sem Truques (Estudos Econômicos, 2008, v. 38 no. 2).

Submitted Papers

Water Wind and Fire: Competitive Equilibrium and Regulation in a Hydrothermo-plus intermittent Electricity Market. With Daniel Monte.

Working Papers

Quantity-before-Price Auction: Evaluating the Performance of the Brazilian Existing Energy Market, with Leonardo Rezende.

Optimal Congestion Tax in Traffic Equilibrium. With Claudio Lucinda.

Running Away from the Poor: Bolsa-Familia and Entry in School Markets. Com Naercio Menezes.