Talks and Outreach

For public-facing work, see articles here at 3 Quarks Daily

Select recent workshops/talks/seminars


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"Weakness of Will: The Paradigm and the 'Borderline'", Symposium on Weakness of Will, Pacific Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Vancouver, BC (April 2019)

"Manipulation, Compatibilism, and Perspectival Judgments", Group Session on Keith Lehrer on Free Will, Pacific Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Vancouver, BC (April 2019)

"Agency under Sleep Deprivation: Neurological Underpinnings and Philosophical Implications", Cognitive Science speaker series, CUNY Graduate Center, April 2019


In May and June 2018 I was a Fellow in the Summer Seminars in Neuroscience and Philosophy program at Duke University.

"Disorders of Agency: Control and Psychotherapy", Franklin and Marshall Philosophy Seminar Series (November 2017)

“Updates in the Libet Paradigm and Implications for Free and Morally Appraisable Agency”, London Mind Group, UK (June 2017)

Commentator, “Reasons as Explanations”, Eastern APA (January 2017)

Commentator, “Attention as Selection for Action: A Challenge” (A. Henry), Minds Online Conference (September 2016)

“A worry for the dual process theory of moral judgment”, at the International Scientific Conference on Neuroethics and Third Conference of the Italian Society for Neuroethics (SINe), University of Padua, Italy, May 2016

“Cognitive enhancement” Imperial College London Socratic Society, May 2016

"Manipulation, agency, and responsibility: Some empirical and normative considerations", Keynote address, 2016 Annual Ratio Conference, Reading, UK, April 2016

"Free Will and neuroscience", Speaker, Philosophy Conference for Sixth Formers, North London Collegiate School, February 2016

“Advancements in the Libet paradigm and implications for free and appraisable agency”, Workshop on Neuroscience and Responsibility, Gothenburg Moral Responsibility Research Initiative, Gothenburg, Sweden, November 2015

”What Neuroscience can and cannot tell us about free will”, at the King’s College London Philosophy Society, October 2015

For earlier talks and seminar fellowships, see C.V.