
Author: Thierry BOUWMANS, Associate Professor, Lab. MIA, Univ.  Rochelle, France.

A full overview on several problem formulations for robust subspace learning/tracking based on decomposition into low-rank plus additives matrices listed in this website are provided in:

Editors: T. Bouwmans, N. Aybat, E. Zahzah.

Title: Handbook on "Robust Low-Rank and Sparse Matrix Decomposition: Applications in Image and Video Processing".

Publisher :CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group.

Publication Date :  May 30, 2016. (More information) [Purchase]

Further Improvements

If you would like to list your publication related to this topic on this website, please send me your publication in .pdf and I will add the reference.

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As this website gives many information that come from my research, please cite my following survey papers:

N. Vaswani, T. Bouwmans, S. Javed, P. Narayanamurthy, “Robust Subspace Learning: Robust PCA, Robust Subspace Tracking and Robust Subspace Recovery”, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Volume 35, No. 4, pages 32-55, July 2018. [pdf]

T. Bouwmans, A. Sobral, S. Javed, S. Jung, E. Zahzah, "Decomposition into Low-rank plus Additive Matrices for Background/Foreground Separation: A Review for a Comparative Evaluation with a Large-Scale Dataset", Computer Science Review, Volume 23, pages 1-71, February 2017. [pdf]

T. Bouwmans, E. Zahzah, “Robust PCA via Principal Component Pursuit: A Review for a Comparative Evaluation in Video Surveillance”, Special Issue on Background Models Challenge, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, CVIU 2014, Volume 122, pages 22–34, May 2014. [pdf]

Note: My publications are available on Academia, ResearchGate, Researchr, ORCID and PublicationList.


The aim of this web site is to provide resources such as references (1154 papers), codes (33 codes) and links to demonstration websites (29 websites)  for the research on decomposition into low-rank plus additive matrices by grouping all related researches and particularly recent advances in this field.  For this, it  is organized in the following sections:

1. Different Problem Formulations (681 papers)

Robust Principal Component Analysis (RPCA) (546 papers), Robust Non-negative Matrix Factorization (RNMF) (6 papers),

Robust Subspace Recovery (RSR) (9 papers), Robust Subspace Tracking (RST) (28 papers), 

Robust Subspace Change-Point Detection (RSCD) (2 papers), Robust Matrix Completion (RMC) (27  papers), 

Robust Low Rank Minimization (LRM) (62 papers), Robust Graph Learning (RGL) (1 paper),

Robust Graphical Lasso (1 paper)

2. Minimization Problem

3. Solvers

Regularization based approaches, Statistical inference based approaches

4. Norms

5. Surveys (24 papers)

6. Applications (447)

6.1 Applications in Statistics (7 papers)

Statistical Modeling (3 papers), Classification Modeling (1 paper), Financial Engineering (3 papers)

6.2. Applications in Machine Learning (1 paper)

Adversarial Attacks (1 paper)

6.3 Applications in Signal Processing (163 papers)

Signal Communication (11 papers), Seismology (7 papers), Audio Signal Processing (47 papers), Radar (90 papers), Direction-of-Arrival Tracking (4 papers), Cognitive Radio (2 papers), Harmonic Recovery (1 paper), Spectrum Denoising (1 paper)

6.4 Applications in Computer Vision (2045 papers)

      6.4.1 Image Processing (72 papers)

Image Analysis (1 paper), Image Decomposition (4 papers), Image Classification (1 paper), lmage Composition (1 paper), Image Colorization (1 paper), Image Restoration and Denoising (11 papers),  Image Mosaicking (1 paper), Image Alignment and Rectification (10 papers), Image Fusion (3 papers), Image Search (1 paper), Image Retrieval (1 paper), Texture (4 papers),  Face Alignement/Clustering/Recognition (10 papers), Multi-focus Image (5 papers) ,Multi-spectral Image (2 papers), Hyperspectral Image Processing (10 papers), Saliency Detection (5 papers), Groupwise Image Registration (1 paper)

     6.4.2 Video Processing (119 papers)

Change Detection (1 paper), Crowd Visual Localization (1 paper), Background Initialization (4 papers),

Background/Foreground Separation for Static RGB Cameras (5 papers),

Background/Foreground Separation for Static IR Cameras (2 papers), 

Background/Foreground Separation for Static Multi-spectral Cameras (2 papers),

Background/Foreground Separation for Camera Traps (3 papers),

Background/Foreground Separation for Moving Cameras (6 papers), 

Small Target Detection in Infrared Cameras (32 papers),

Hyperspectral Video Processing (33 papers),

Moving Target Detection (1 paper), Motion Saliency Detection (1 paper),  Motion Estimation (1 paper), Tracking (7 papers),Video Coding (4 papers), Video Denoising (5 papers), Video Object Segmentation (3 papers), Video Restoration (1 paper),  Video Summarization (1 paper), Key Frame Extraction (1 paper),  Action Recognition (1 paper), Event Detection (2 papers), Video UHD Super Resolution Video (1 paper) 

     6.4.3 3D Computer Vision (17 papers)

Structure from Motion (9 papers), Motion Recovery (1 paper), 3D Reconstruction (5 papers),  3D Human Pose Recovery (1 paper), Background/Foreground Separation for 3D (1 paper)

6.5 Applications in Computer Graphics (4 papers)

6.6 Applications in Computer Science (11 papers)

Networks (11 papers)

6.7 Applications in Astronomy (4 papers)

Ionospheric Ionogram Denoising (1 paper), Auroral Substorm Detection (1 paper), Exoplanet Detection (2 papers)

6.8 Applications in Industrial Process (35 papers)

Electricity (13 papers), Chemometrics (3 papers), Defect Detection (14 papers), Damage Detection (5 papers), Fault Detection (1 paper)

6.9 Applications in Physics (4 papers)

6.10 Application in Other Applications (13 papers)

Ecology (1 paper), Electronic Support Receivers (1 paper), Sensors Placement (1 paper), Feature Selection (2 papers), Recognition (5 papers), Database Reconstruction (1 paper), Storyline From a Narrative (2 papers)

7. Available Implementations (33 implementations)

Robust Principal Component Analysis (19 implementations), Robust Non-negative Matrix Factorization (2 implementations), Robust Matrix Completion (2 implementations), Robust Subspace Recovery (1 implementation), Robust Subspace Tracking (5 implementations), Robust Low Rank Minimization (4 implementations)

Note: The number in parenthesis gives the total amount of papers or links for the related categories.