
Robin Ryder's webpage

I am an Associate Professor (maître de conférences HDR) in Statistics in the  CEREMADE, Université Paris-Dauphine. From 2014 to 2017, I was also an associate member in the DMA at École Normale Supérieure. My research focuses on Bayesian computational statistics (MCMC and ABC methods) and applications to Linguistics.

I will be moving to Imperial College London in September 2024.

Current responsibilities:

I strive to fly less.

PhD opportunity: I currently have an opening for a PhD scholarship (co-supervised by myself and Emmanuel Chemla, Linguist at ENS) on statistical methods to reconstruct the history of animal communication. Funding is provided by CNRS 80 Prime. Contact me if interested.

Photo of Robin Ryder. Photo by Jean-Marc Paroissien.

Recent and upcoming events:

Recent papers: