
Review of Ben Ansell, Why Politics Fails (Public Affairs), Czech Political Science Review.

Review of Ekrem Karakoc, Inequality after the Transition (Oxford), Slavic Review.

Review of Paul Lendvai, Orban: Europe's New Strongman (Hurst). Slavonic and East European Review.

Review of Anna Fruhstorfer and Michael Hein, eds. Constitutional Politics in Central and Eastern Europe: From Post-Socialist Transition to the Reform of Political Systems (Springer). I-Connect (link).

Review of Kieran Williams, Vaclav Havel (Reaktion Books). Slavonic and East European Review.

"Jde to i jinak", Pritomnost. Or in English as "Creative Solutions for Czech Politics".

Review of James Krapfl, Revolution with a Human Face (Cornell University Press) in Slavonic and East European Review.

Review of Jiří Knapik and Martin Franc, Průvodce kulturním děním a životním stylem v českých zemích 1948-1967 (A Guide to Cultural Events and Life Style in the Czech Lands, 1948-1967). Slavic Review.

Review of Valerie Bunce and Sharon Wolchik, Defeating Authoritarian Leaders in Postcommunist Countries. Czech Sociological Review.

"Eastern Europe Now and Then: Twenty Changes in Twenty Years". Written on the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

"2010 Czech Parliamentary Elections", Monkey Cage.

"The Balkans". Encyclopedia of Political Science (CQ Press, 2010).

"Missile Defense - The View from the East". Or another version "Public Opinion on Missile Defense." Euro-Atlantic Quarterly.

Review of Mitchell Orenstein, Privatizing Pensions: The Transnational Campaign for Social Security Reform. American Journal of Sociology.

Review of Kevin Deegan Krause, Elected Affinities: Democracy and Party Competition in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Czech Sociological Review.

“How To Follow the American Presidential Election.” Reflex, September 2008 (published only in Czech).

Review of Ivo Možný, Česká společnost: nejdůležitější fakta o kvalitě našeho života (Czech Society: The Most Important Facts about the Quality of Life). Czech Sociological Review.

“Six Czech Reasons Not to Watch the Olympics.” The Prague Post, 30 January - 5 February 2002.

“Asylum for Asylum Laws: A View of the Current Asylum Crisis of the Czech Roma and a Proposed Solution.” New Presence/Pritomnost, 3(3), Autumn 2001.

“The Nuclear Choice: Global Warming, Kyoto, and Temelin.” The Prague Post, 8-15 August 2001.

“Nostalgia for Com-Pop.” New Presence/Pritomnost, 3(1), Spring 2001. 

Review of Herbert Kitschelt, et al. Post-Communist Party Systems: Competition, Representation, and Inter-Party Cooperation. Central European Review, 21 February 2001 (link).

“Perceptions and Reality: A Look at What's Behind Prague's September Demonstrations.” New Presence/Pritomnost, 2(3), Fall 2000 (In English) and 10/2000 (In Czech).

“The EU’s Real Haider Problem.” Central European Review, 3 April 2000 (link)

Review of Valerie Bunce, Subversive Institutions: The Design and Destruction of Socialism and the State. - unpublished, written in 2003.

"Dissident Resentment" - unpublished, written in 2002.

"Clean Hands and Clean Government" - unpublished, written in 1999.