CLIL means Content and Language Integrated Learning: in practice lessons of a subject such as Mathematics or Electronics are teached in a foreign language.

In the last few years myself and other teachers in our school did several CLIL modules for different classes and on different subjects. This main page leads you to the different CLIL modules, starting from 2009/10 up to now. You can find useful information and the material used for the lessons and assessment.

All the material relative to our CLIL class of the school year 2009/10 can be found in CLIL 2009/10.

The CLIL experience was repeated in the school year 2010-2011. You can find more details about it in CLIL 2010/11.

After the February 2011 CLIL module, I received a Comenius Grant to attend an International level CLIL course at the Clare Language Centre in Ennis, Ireland.

It was an excellent two week course about CLIL methodology and practice: you can find useful information about it in the CLIL training page.

The new CLIL experience of 2011/12 took into account all the main issues related to CLIL teaching explained during the Comenius Course and is radically different from our previous CLIL experiences. First of all, the class is divided into small groups and each group has to solve a particular task: this situation forces communication among peers.

Teachers act as facilitators and provide help only to students that need it. Communication and interaction are the main focus of the 2011/12 CLIL module.

To find more details and download all the material of the course click here: CLIL 2011/12.

As in the School year 2010/11, another CLIL module has been developed in our Institute intended for a 3rd-grade class specializing in mechanics. This site temporarily hosts the material related to this CLIL course, just click here: CLIL MECHANICS 2011/12.