
Selected publications in peer-reviewed journals

Sunlight, culture and state capacity, Kyklos 77 (2), pp. 285-315, 2024. 

Political equality and quality of government, Kyklos 75 (2), pp. 269-293, 2022. (With Izaskun Zuazu.)

Individualism and political instability, European Journal of Political Economy 66, 101959, 2021.

Globalization and spatial inequality: Does economic integration affect regional disparities?, Annals of Regional Science 67 (2), pp. 335-358, 2021. (With Alba Del Villar.)

Do wealth levels affect the contribution to negative externalities?, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 87, 101579, 2020. (With Juan Miguel Benito-Ostolaza and Nuria Osés-Eraso.)

Quality of government in European regions: Do spatial spillovers matter?, Regional Studies 54 (8), pp. 1032-1042, 2020. (With Vicente Rios.)

Interregional inequality and civil conflict: Are spatial disparities a threat to stability and peace?, Defence and Peace Economics 30 (7), pp. 759-782, 2019.

Regional disparities and within-country inequality in the European Union, Revista de Economía Mundial 51, pp. 139-162, 2019.

Quality of government and regional resilience in the European Union. Evidence from the Great Recession, Papers in Regional Science 98 (3), 1267-1290, 2019. (With Vicente Rios.)

Group concentration and violence: Does ethnic segregation affect domestic terrorism?, Defence and Peace Economics 30 (1), pp. 46-71, 2019.

Does ethnic segregation matter for spatial inequality?, Journal of Economic Geography 17 (6), pp. 1149–1178, 2017. (With Andrés Rodríguez-Pose.) Related Vox column.

Is government decentralization useful in the fight against domestic terrorism? A cross-country analysis, Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 35 (5), pp. 872-897, 2017.

Is there a link between globalisation and civil conflict?, The World Economy 40 (12), pp. 2592-2610, 2017. (With Beatriz Manotas.)

Terrorism and spatial disparities: Does interregional inequality matter?, European Journal of Political Economy 42, pp. 60-74, 2016. (With David Palacios.)

Volatility and regional growth in Europe. Does space matter? Spatial Economic Analysis 10 (3), pp. 344-368, 2015. (With Vicente Rios.)

Fiscal decentralization and internal conflict: An empirical investigation, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 33 (3), pp. 580-600, 2015.

Negative externalities in cropping decisions: Private versus common land, Ecological Economics  105, pp. 185-192, 2014. (With Juan Miguel Benito and Nuria Osés.)

Government quality and spatial inequality: A cross-country analysis, Environment and Planning A, 46 (7), pp. 1732-1753, 2014. (With Andrés Rodríguez-Pose.) Related Vox column.

Trade openness and spatial inequality in emerging countries, Spatial Economic Analysis 9 (2), pp. 162-182, 2014. (With Andrés Rodríguez-Pose.)

Polarization trends across the European regions, Région et Développement 38, pp. 2-18, 2014.

Political decentralization, economic growth and regional disparities in the OECD, Regional Studies 47 (3), pp. 388-401, 2013. (With Andrés Rodríguez-Pose.)

Does economic globalization affect regional inequality? A cross-country analysis, World Development 52, pp. 92-103, 2013. (With Andrés Rodríguez-Pose.)

Is there cross-country convergence in government quality? A non-parametric analysis, Economics Bulletin 33 (4), pp. 2661-2671, 2013. (With Vicente Rios.)

Is there a link between globalization and governance? Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 30 (5), pp. 848-870, 2012.

Is fiscal decentralization harmful for economic growth? Evidence from OECD countries, Journal of Economic Geography 11 (4), pp. 619-643, 2011. (With Andrés Rodríguez-Pose.)

Decentralization of social protection expenditure and economic growth in the OECD, Publius: The Journal of Federalism 41 (1), pp. 146-157, 2011. (With Andrés Rodríguez-Pose.)

Unemployment volatility and regional specialization in the European Union, Regional Studies 45 (8), pp. 1121-1137, 2011.

Agricultural productivity in the European regions: Trends and explanatory factors, European Urban and Regional Studies 18 (2), pp. 113-135, 2011. (With Belén Iráizoz, Pedro Pascual and Manuel Rapún.)

Education and gender bias in the sex ratio at birth: Evidence from India, Demography 47 (1), pp. 249-268, 2010. (With Rebeca Echávarri.)

Does decentralization matter for regional disparities? A cross-country analysis, Journal of Economic Geography 10 (5), pp. 619-644, 2010. (With Andrés Rodríguez-Pose.)

Sectoral volatility and regional growth in the European Union, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 28 (2), pp. 369-380, 2010.

Does income polarization affect economic growth? The case of the European regions, Regional Studies 43 (2), pp. 267-285, 2009.

Spatial effects in website adoption by firms in European regions, Growth and Change 40 (1), pp. 54-84, 2009. (With Margarita Billón and Fernando Lera.)

Cross-country disparities in health care expenditure: A factor decomposition, Health Economics 18 (4), pp. 479-485, 2009. (With Jorge Alcalde-Unzu and Pedro Pascual.)

Polarization trends across the US statesApplied Economics Letters 16 (9), pp. 897-902, 2009.

Total factor productivity, efficiency and technological change in the European regions: A non-parametric approach, Environment and Planning A 41 (5), pp. 112-1170, 2009. (With Belén Iráizoz and Pedro Pascual.)

Convergence in income inequality in the United States: A non parametric analysis, Applied Economics Letters 16 (3), pp. 1365-1368, 2009. (With Pedro Pascual.)

Spatial inequality in the European Union: Does regional efficiency matter?, Economics Bulletin 29 (4), pp. 2652-2659, 2009. (With Belén Iráizoz.)

The spatial distribution of the Internet in the European Union: Does geographical proximity matter?, European Planning Studies 16 (1), pp. 119-142, 2008. (With Margarita Billón and Fernando Lera.)

Spatial disparities in the European agriculture: A regional analysis, Applied Economics 40 (13), 1669-1684, 2008. (With Belén Iráizoz, Pedro Pascual and Manuel Rapún.)

Fiscal decentralization and regional disparities: Evidence from several European Union countries, Environment and Planning A 40 (5), pp. 1185-1201, 2008. (With Pedro Pascual.)

Regional efficiency in the European Union, European Planning Studies 16 (8), pp. 1121-1143, 2008. (With Belén Iráizoz and Manuel Rapún.)

Is there cross-country convergence in carbon dioxide emissions?, Energy Policy 35 (2), pp. 1363-1372, 2007.

The spatial distribution of income inequality in the European Union, Environment and Planning A 39 (4), pp. 869-890, 2007. (With Pedro Pascual and Manuel Rapún.)

Spatial inequality in productivity in the European Union: Sectoral and regional factors, International Regional Science Review 30 (4), pp. 384-407, 2007. (With Pedro Pascual and Manuel Rapún.)

The Single Market and geographic concentration in the regions of the European Union, Applied Economics Letters 14 (6), pp. 463-466, 2007.

Regional polarisation and national development in the European Union, Urban Studies 44 (1), pp. 99-122, 2007. (With Pedro Pascual).

Spatial disparities in the European Union: An analysis of regional polarization, Annals of Regional Science 41 (2), pp. 401-429, 2007. (With Pedro Pascual and Manuel Rapún.)

Distribution dynamics of energy intensities: A cross-country analysis, Energy Policy 35 (10), pp. 5254-5259, 2007.

Spatial disparities in productivity in Central and Eastern Europe, Eastern European Economics 45 (3), pp. 5-32, 2007. (With Pedro Pascual.)

Is income inequality harmful for regional growth? Evidence from the European Union, Urban Studies 44 (10),  pp. 1953-1971, 2007.

The dynamics of regional disparities in Central and Eastern Europe during Transition, European Planning Studies 15 (10), pp. 1397-1421, 2007. (With Pedro Pascual and Manuel Rapún.)

Regional dynamics and convergence profiles in the enlarged European Union: A non-parametric approach, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 98 (5), pp. 564-584, 2007. (With Manuel Rapún.)

The world distribution of carbon dioxide emissions, Applied Economics Letters 14 (5), pp. 349-352, 2007.

Regional polarization in the European UnionEuropean Planning Studies 14 (4), pp. 459-484, 2006. (With Pedro Pascual and Manuel Rapún.)

Mobility as movement: A measurement proposal based on transition matrices, Economics Bulletin 4 (22), pp. 1-12, 2006. (With Jorge Alcalde-Unzu and Pedro Pascual.)

The dynamics of industrial concentration in the regions of the European Union, Growth and Change 37 (2), pp. 200-229, 2006. (With Pedro Pascual and Manuel Rapún.)

The spatial distribution of welfare in the European Union, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 97 (4), pp. 331-342, 2006. (With Pedro Pascual and Manuel Rapún.)

Regional specialization in the European Union, Regional Studies 40 (6), pp. 601-616, 2006. (With Pedro Pascual and Manuel Rapún.)

Factor decomposition of spatial disparities: The case of the European regions, Economics Bulletin 18 (6), pp. 1-6, 2006. (With Pedro Pascual.)

Regional mobility in the European Union, Applied Economics 38 (19), pp. 2237-2257, 2006. (With Pedro Pascual and Manuel Rapún.

Regional disparities and national development revisited: The case of Western Europe, European Urban and Regional Studies 13 (4), pp. 355-369, 2006. (With Manuel Rapún.)

Regional inequality in the European Union: Does industry mix matter?, Regional Studies 39 (6), pp. 679-697, 2005. (With Carlos Gil, Pedro Pascual and Manuel Rapún.)

Cross-country disparities in welfare, 1970-1998, Applied Economics Letters 12 (1), pp. 41-44, 2005. (With Pedro Pascual.)

Inequality, polarisation and regional mobility in the European Union, Urban Studies 42 (7), pp. 1057-1076, 2005. (With Carlos Gil, Pedro Pascual and Manuel Rapún.)

Regional welfare disparities: The case of the European Union, Applied Economics 37 (12), pp. 1423-1437, 2005. (With Carlos Gil and Pedro Pascual.)

Regional bipolarization: The case of the European Union, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 29 (4), pp. 984-995, 2005. (With Carlos Gil and Pedro Pascual.)

Spatial disparities in productivity and industry mix: The case of the European regions, European Urban and Regional Studies 12 (2), pp. 177-194, 2005. (With Juan Miguel Benito.)

Is there convergence in income inequality levels among the European regions?, Applied Economics Letters 12 (12), pp. 763-767, 2005. (With Pedro Pascual.)


Desigualdad, polarización y movilidad regional en la Unión Europea. Colección de Tesis y Ensayos, Fundación de las Cajas de Ahorros, Madrid, 2005.  

Book chapters

Measuring the regional divide, in R. Capello and P. Nijkamp (eds.): Handbook of Regional Growth and Development Theories, pp. 329-353. Edward Elgar, Northampton (Massachusetts), 2009. (With Andrés Rodríguez-Pose.)