Research Projects
Yelcho Base of the Chilean Antartic Institute (INACH)
inaugurated the 3rd of February 2015 (I was there that day)
Most of my research projects have been funded by Conicyt (now ANID), which is the Chilean Governmental Science Agency, Fondecyt, Fondef and Fondequip are some of the funding schemes of Conicyt
University of Chile
1) Anillo Project ATE230035, "Sea Harbour Operation with Renewable Energies (SHORE)", Director, 2024-2027.
2) Fondecyt project 1230596, "Novel Modular Multilevel Converter Topologies and Control Strategies for Multi-Megawatt Wind Energy Applications", coinvestigator, 2023-2027.
3) Fondecyt project 1220556, "Advanced Predictive Control Strategies for Reliability Enhancement of Microgrids based on Matrix Converters", coinvestigator 2022-2027.
4) Fondef Project IT23i0117, " Investigación y desarrollo de un alimentador electrónico para máxima eficiencia en motores de inducción", Director alterno, 2023-2025.
5) Fondecyt Project 1221392, "Enhanced Control Flexibility of Modular Multilevel Converters Through Continuous Control Set Model Predictive Control", Principal Investigator, 2022-2025.
6) Fondef IDEA, ID23I10138, "Desarrollo de prototipo de convertidor modular para la reutilización de baterías descartadas de electromovilidad", Director Alterno (2023-2024).
7) PAIDI - Plan Andaluz de I+D+I - España - ProyExcel_00381 "Smart Hybrid Transformers for Provision of Ancillary Services" Investigator - (Dec. 2022 to Dec. 2025 )
8) Fondef IDEA, ID21I10412, "Diseño y desarrollo de nuevo cargardor Ultra-Rápido Multiprotocolo con Capacidad Vehicle to Grid para Vehículos Eléctricos Livianos y Medianos. Director Alterno (2022-2023).
9) Fondecyt Project 1201308 "Modular Hybrid Smart Transformer with Virtual Inertia Capability for Distribution Networks". coinvestigator - (4 years) 2020-2023.
10) Fondecyt Project 1180879, "Modular Multilevel Technologies For Future Generations of High Power Machines", Principal Investigator, 2018-2021.
11) Fondef IDEA, ID19I10370, “ Design and development of a new power converter based on the modular multilevel converter for the control of electrical machines in mining applications", Alternate Director, 2019-2020.
12) Fondecyt Project 1170683, "Robust Distributed Predictive Control Strategies for the Coordination of Hybrid AC and DC Microgrids", Co-investigator 2017-2020.
13) Fondequip Project EQM160122, "Equipment for the Emulation and Evaluation of energy storage systems", 2016-2017, Principal Investigator.
14) Project REDES 150083, "Control Strategies and Hardware Topologies for the Operation of Energy Storage System in Microgrids", Academic link AC3E UTFSM-University of Waterloo. 2016-2017, Principal Investigator.
15) Project Fondecyt 1160690, "Flexible Energy Management Strategies for Microgrid Clusters and Generation Systems based on Multiport Power Converter Structures", Co-investigator 2016-2020.
16)Project Fondecyt (Postdoct), 3160209, "Real-Time Model Predictive Control for Optimal Operation of Clustered Distribution Networs Under Uncertainty". Co-investigator, 2015-2017.
17) Project Fondef VIU14E075, "Design and development of a real time estimator of the energy available in battery banks utilised in volcanic monitoring stations" , 2015-2016, Co-investigador.
18) EPSRC (UK) Project EP/N021452/1 "All Electrical Drive train for Marine Energy Converters". This project is funded by the UK EPSRC, University of Edinburgh-University of Newcastle. 2016-2019, GBP 0.9M (see EPSRC Link), Project Partner.
19) Project Fondecyt Nr. 1140775. “Design of Robust Predictive Control Strategies for the Operation of Microgrids with High Penetration of Renewable Energy”. Co-investigator. 2014-2017.
20) Fondecyt project Nr. 1140337. “Modular Multilevel Converter Technologies for High Power Drives”. Principal investigator. 2014-2018.
21) Basal Project FB0008, Advanced Centre for Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Co-investigador 2014-2109.
22) Fondequip project EQM 130058. “Micro-grid emulator”, US$ 320.000 for the implementation of a new lab using Triphase converters. Co-investigator. 2013-2014.
23) Fondequip project EQM 120111. “Programable power source and loads”. US$ 300.000 for the power electronic lab, university of Chile. Ametek and Dspace equipment were purchased. Principal investigator. 2012-2013.
24) Conicyt Red-130053, (academic link U of Nottingham U of Chile), “Control Strategies for micro-grids”, Co-investigator. 2013-2014.
25) Conicyt Red-0002 (academic link U of Nottingham U of Chile). “Battery energy storage system for electrical generation”. Principal investigator. 2013.
26) Fondecyt Project Nr. 1110984. “Control Systems And Modulation Techniques For a Three-Level Neutral-Point-Clamped Matrix Converter Topology”. Principal investigator. 2011-2014
27) Fondecyt project Nr. 1085289, “Variable speed generation using four-leg matrix converters feeding stand-alone unbalanced loads”. Principal investigator. 2008-2011.
28) Fondef project IDEA ID14I10063, “Design and experimental validation of a microgrid prototype for mapuche indian communities. 2015-2016. Co-investigator.
29) Fondecyt project Nr. 1121104. “Control of an open-end winding induction machine via an indirect matrix converter”. Co-investigator. 2012-2015.
30) Fondecyt project 1095062, “Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Machine Controlled by Indirect Matrix Converter”. Co-investigator. 2009-2012.
31) Proyecto DPI 2010-16714, “Control de Grandes Parques Eolicos Off-Shore Conectados Mediante Enlaces HVDC Multipunto con Rectificadores no Controlados”, Proyecto del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencias de España adjudicado a la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Coinvestigador. 2010-2012.
32) Double degree Ph.D programme between University of Chile and the University of Nottingham. Chilean coordinator.
33) Academic link (U of Waterloo- U of Chile) WISE-CE: Sustainability of Intelligent Microgrids. Conicyt REDENERG-0003. Coinvestigador (2012-2013)
University of Magallanes
34) Fondecyt project Nr. 1060500, "Control of doubly-fed induction generators using back to back converters”. Coinvestigator. 2006-2009.
35) Investigador del Núcleo Milenio en Electrónica Industrial y Mecatrónica, Proyecto Milenio P04-048-F, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Maria, Valparaíso Chile.
36) Proyecto DPI 2007-64730, “Control Avanzado de Aerogeneradores Síncronos para Aplicaciones off-shore”, Proyecto del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencias de España adjudicado a la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Coinvestigador. 2007-2010.
37) Fondecyt Project Nr. 1060498, "Sensorless control of doubly-fed induction generators using matrix converters". Principal Investigator. 2006-2007.
38) Fondecyt Project Nr. 1050592, "Sensorless control of variable speed doubly-fed induction generators", Principal investigator. 2005-2006.
39) Fondecyt Project Nr. 1010942, "Vector control of doubly-fed induction generators for variable speed wind-diesel systems. Coinvestigator. 2010-2012.
40) Fondecyt Project Nr. 1020721, "Power smoothing and generation of electrical energy using switched reluctance generators”. Principal Investigator, 2002-2004.
41) Fondecyt Project Nr. 1000979 , "Sensorless control of variable speed cage induction generators”, Principal Investigator, 2000-2002.
42) Fondecyt Project 1980689, "Power smotthing using a squirrel cage machine affixed to a flywheel”, Principal Investigator, 1998-1999.
43) Fondecyt Project Nr. 1980688, " Control strategies for cage induction generators fed by voltage source converters ". Co-investigator. 1998-2000.
44) Project San/984, "Intelligent Control Strategies for Electricity Generation from Renewable Energy Systems", Academic link (funded by the British Council), University of Nottingham- University of Magallanes. 1998-2000.
45) Project San/984/107, "Optimised Performance of Diesel-Generators in Hybrid Wind-Diesel Systems", Academic link (funded by the British Council), University of Nottingham-University of Magallanes 2001-2003.
46) Desarrollo y adaptación de sensores industriales para controlar y optimizar la operación de procesos involucrando dispersiones liquidas y minerales. FONDEF D96I1112. Director Alterno.
47) Director alterno Proyecto Fondef D00-T-2023, "Producción, comercialización y servicios asociados a sensores para dispersiones industriales. Etapa de ejecución 2002-2003”.