Welcome to my website! 

    I am a Research Scientist at the Institute of Neuroscience (IN) of the National Research Council (CNR). My activity is based in Padua, Italy.

    My current main research interests are two: mathematical modelling of glucose metabolism and its application to clinical research and drug development in the diabetes therapeutic area; analysis of links between omics data and clinical data related to the pathophysiological mechanism of glycaemic deterioration, using bioinformatics techniques. Please use the Publications link to have more details on my research work.

    Since March 2018 I have been working for the IMI project DIRECT, aimed at the identification and validation of important biomarkers for glycaemic deterioration and treatment response to be used to predict and monitor the effect of therapeutic interventions in subtypes of diabetes with different pathophysiology. From 2011 to 2017 I have been actively involved in the IMI project DDMoRe, aimed at developing a drug-disease model library and a framework for modelling and simulation of pathophysiological processes and for the analysis of clinical studies outcomes. As a Post Doc fellow, I have been supervised by Andrea Mari.

    Between 2008 and 2010 I was a PhD student at the Department of Information Engineering (DEI) of the University of Padua (Information Engineering School, Bioengineering specialization), under the supervision of Prof. Claudio Cobelli. In those years my research focused on Markov models of sleep data. I worked together with the Clinical Pharmacology & Modelling and Simulation group at the GlaxoSmithKline centre for Drug Discovery in Neuroscience in Verona, and with the Pharmacometrics group led by Prof. Mats Karlsson at the University of Uppsala.

    I have a Master Degree cum laude in Bioengineering from the University of Padova, obtained after discussing a thesis on physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modelling in drug discovery.

    My institutional webpage is located at the website of the Institute of Neuroscience. For anything else, please contact me.