
Published Papers

Taxes, Subsidies and Gender Gaps in Hours and Wages (with Lei Fang and L. Rachel Ngai), Economica, 2023, 90(358), 373-408. Online Appendix. Previous Versions: SOEPpapers 962-2018; IZA DP 11002; CEPR DP; CFM 2018-04 . See also related VOX EU Column and Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta's Policy Hub 

Inequality and Panel Income Changes: Conditions for Possibilities and Impossibilities (with Gary S. Fields and George H Jakubson), International Economic Review, 2023, 64(1), 295-324. Previously as: IZA DP 13179 

Choices and Constraints: The Nature of Informal Employment in Urban Mexico, The Journal of Development Studies, 2022, 58:7, 1349-1362. Previously as: WIDER Working Paper 2020/151 and IZA DP 14278

“Cross-Sectional versus Panel Income Approaches: Analyzing Income Distribution Changes for the Case of Mexico”, (with Gary S. Fields and George H. Jakubson) The Review of Income and Wealth, 2017, 63(4), 685–705.

“Earnings mobility, inequality, and economic growth in Argentina, Mexico, and Venezuela" (with Gary Fields, Samuel Freije, and María Laura Sanchez-Puerta), The Journal of Economic Inequality, March 2015, 13(1), pp 103–128. (Reprinted as Ch. 14 in Employment and Development: How Work Can Lead From and Into Poverty (IZA Prize in Labor Economics), 2019 by Gary S. Fields (Author), Janneke Pieters (Editor), Oxford University Press.)

“Análisis por cohortes de la participación laboral en México (1987-2009)” (with Pedro Orraca), El Trimestre Económico, vol.LXXVIII (2), núm. 310, pp. 343-375, 2011. link to slightly older version in English IZA DP 4371

“Trends and Characteristics of Economics Degrees in a Developing Country: The Case of Mexico” (with Alejandro Villagómez), The Journal of Economic Education, 42(1),87-94, 2011.

“Intragenerational Income Mobility in Latin America” (with Gary Fields, Samuel Freije, and María Laura Sanchez-Puerta), Economia, the Journal of LACEA, Spring, 101-154, 2007.

“El trabajo doméstico y los salarios. Un estudio para los hogares mexicanos.” Revista Mexicana del Trabajo y la Previsión Social, no.3, January, 2003

Book Chapters

“Informal work in urban Mexico. Characteristics, dynamics, and workers’ preferences” Ch. 9 in The Job Ladder. Transforming Informal Work and Livelihoods in Developing Countries. Edited by Gary S. Fields, T.H. Gindling, Kunal Sen, Michael Danquah, and Simone Schotte, UNU-WIDER Studies in Development Economics, Oxford University Press, 2023, 200-225. 

“Mercados Laborales, Informalidad y Universalidad” in Seguridad social universal. Retos para su implementación en México, Fausto Hernández Trillo (ed.), Mexico, CIDE, 2012.

“Migración y opinión pública: el caso español” (jointly with Ferran Martínez i Coma) in Perspectivas migratorias: Un análisis interdisciplinario de la migración internacional,  Jorge Durand and Jorge A Schiavon (Eds.), CIDE, México, 2010.

Working Papers and Work in Progress

The long-term persistence of (in)formality, (coming soon)

Distributional Convergence of Income across the World, (coming soon)

“Unemployment, Inequality, and Institutions, Revisited”, July 2018

Policy Papers

“Informality and Seguro Popular under Segmented Labor Markets” (jointly with Ricardo Smith), 2011

"Counterfactual Wages and Segmentation between Formal and Informal Sectors in Mexico" (jointly with Ricardo Smith), IADB, 2010

“Labor Markets and Labor Policies in Mexico” prepared for Income and Employment Generation for the Poor in Mexico, and Monitoring and Evaluation of Social Programs, World Bank, 2008

“La Evolución Salarial en México” prepared for Estudios Sobre las Políticas Laborales en México, IADB, 2006

“Short Term Macro Monitoring: Leading Indicator Construction-Mexico” with Stephen S. Everhart, International Studies Program Working Paper Series 01-8 ,  Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University, 2001

“Management of Oil Windfalls in Mexico. Historical Experience and Policy Options for the Future” with Stephen S. Everhart, Policy Research Working Paper 2592, World Bank, 2001

“Leading Indicator Project: Lithuania.” with Stephen S. Everhart, Policy Research Working Paper 2365, World Bank, 2000