Writings On-Line

Thirty years ago, under the guidance of the late Yamada Kōun Rōshi, I translated the cases that make up the four principal collections studied in his school, the Sanbōkyōdan, which we also use in the Diamond Sangha. Those drafts form the basis of translations of many cases I have used in this section, and are cited by initials and case numbers. For comparisons, see the following:

(BCR) The Blue Cliff Record (Pi-yen lu, C; Hekiganshì or Hekiganroku, J); Thomas and J.C. Cleary, The Blue Cliff Record

(Boston: Shambhala, 1992)

(BS) The Book of Serenity (Ts'ung-jung lu, C; Shōyōroku, J); Thomas Cleary, Book of Serenity

(Hudson, N.Y.: Lindisfarne, 1990)

(GB) The Gateless Barrier (Wu-men kuan; C, Mumonkan, J); Zenkei Shibayama, Gateless Barrier: Zen Comments on the Mumonkan

, trans. by Sumiko Kudo (Boston: Shambhala, 2000)

(TL) The Transmission of the Light (Denkōroku, J); Francis H. Cook, The Record of Transmitting the Light: Zen Master Keizan's Denkōroku

(Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2002

The other translations in this section are mine, for the most part made from original texts with a check against other translations. The Genjōkōan, Bendōwa, and other writings of Dōgen Kigen are mostly from his his collection, the Shōbōgenzō. See Gudo Nishimura & Chodo Cross, Master Dogen's Shobogenzo