
Dr. Ke Deng B.E.E., M. ICT., Ph.D

Senior Lecturer


Tel: +61 3 9925 3202

School of Computing Technologies

RMIT University

Melbourne, 3000, Australia 

Dr. Deng is currently a Senior Lecturer in School of Science in RMIT University, Australia. He was awarded a Ph.D. degree in computer science at The University of Queensland (UQ) in 2007 with a research focus on data analytics and knowledge engineering. Before joining RMIT, he has been a research scientist in Huawei Noah Ark’s Research Lab, Hong Kong for 2 years. He had been a postdoctoral research fellow at CSIRO ICT center in 2017 and an ARC Australian Postdoctoral Fellow at UQ in 2010-2012. His research focuses on stream data analytics, recommender system, and social media data analysis.  He has published 80+ research papers where 50+ are in CORE rank A/A* conferences or SciMago Q1 journals. His research has been funded by 4 ARC Discover Projects and 1 ARC Linkage Project which are the most prestigious national research grants in Australia.  He regularly serves top conferences as a program committee member including SIDMOD, VLDB, ICDE, SIGKDD, IJCAI, AAAI, and WWW. He is regularly invited as a reviewer of top journals including TODS, TKDE, and TOIS.      

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