


In Preparation

1.  Ravi Kumar Pujala and G. Petekidis, “Shear induced crystallization and yielding behavior of repulsive and attractive glasses”, Preparation.

2. Ravi Kumar Pujala and H. B. Bohidar “Aging, Slow Dynamics and Anisotropic ordering in Nanoclay Dispersions: A Review”.

4. Ravi Kumar Pujala, H. B. Bohidar, “Hardening of gels from the nanoclays and their mixtures”, 2019.

Workshop/Oral/Poster Presentation

 . Oral Presentation "Shear Induced Crystallization and Yielding behavior of Repulsive and Attractive glasses", RK Pujala, Softcomp annual meeting, June 8-12, Ancona, Italy

·         Poster Presentation on “Ergodicity breaking and aging dynamics in mixed nanoclay dispersionsRK Pujala and H. B. Bohidar, Julich Soft Matter Days 2012, Nov 13-16, by Institute of complex systems, Julich, Germany.

·         DST SERC School and Symposium on “Rheology of Complex fluids 2012” by IIT Guwahati, Guwahati, India from January 3-7, 2012.

·         Poster Presentation on “Aging and Slow dynamics in Nanoclay dispersionsRK Pujala and H. B. Bohidar, ICONSAT-2012 from January 20-23, 2012, Hyderabad, India.

·         Poster Presentation on “Aggregation dynamics of Nano clay particlesRK Pujala and H. B. Bohidar, Indo-US Bilateral Workshop on Nanoparticle Assembly: From Fundamentals to Applications from 12-14 December 2011 organized by IIT Delhi, Delhi, India.

·         Oral and Poster Presentations on “Aging transitions in anisotropic colloidsRK Pujala and H. B. Bohidar, Conference and School on Nucleation, Aggregation and Growth,  July 26 – August 6, 2010, Bengaluru, INDIA.

·         Oral and Poster Presentation on “Phase Behavior of the Nanoclay-Water systemRK Pujala and H. B. Bohidar, National Symposium on Nano science: Theory and Applications, 5-7 November 2009, SES JNU, New Delhi, India

·         Oral presentation on “Slow dynamics and Aging in complex fluidsRK Pujala, 7th Dynamics Day, Delhi, 13 December 2011, JNU, New Delhi, India.

·         DSC/TGA Training course at Perkin Elmer Company from 24th to 26th November, 2010, Mumbai, India.

·         Workshop on “Electron Microscopy and its Applications” by Advance Instrumentation Research Facility, 28-29 February 2012, AIRF, JNU, New Delhi, India.