

“Asymmetric Impacts of Fundamentals on the Natural Gas Futures Volatility: An Augmented GARCH Approach” (joint with I. Ergen), Energy Economics, Vol 56, May, 2016.

“Comment: Optimal dynamic production from a large oil field in Saudi Arabia”, Empirical Economics, 51 (3), November 2016

“Central Bank Independence and Economic Performance in Caucasus and Central Asian Countries” (joint with K. Nagac), Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research, 5(2), November, 2018.

“Optimal Choice between Local Content Requirement and Fiscal Policy in Extractive Industries: A Theoretical Analysis ” (joint with M. Issabayev), Resources Policy, Vol 60, March, 2019.

“Is gold a safe haven?: International Evidence Revisited” (joint with L. Bulut), Acta Oeconomica, 70(4), December 2020.

"Incentives and Strategic Behavior of Professional Boxers" (joint with Z.Akin and M.Issabayev), Journal of Sports Economics, 24(1), 2023.

Working Papers

“Oil Price Shocks and Macroeconomy: The Role for Precautionary Demand Motives”

“Oil Price Shocks and Monetary Policy: The Role for Storage”