About us

Fr. José Henrique (center, left) and Vicar Fr. Wendel Ribeiro (center, right).

The history of our community begins in 2009, two years after the publication of the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum (Pope Benedict XVI). The Extraodinary Form of the Roman Rite (or simply the Latin Mass) was approved by the Bishop Dom Moacir Silva to the laity of Jacareí, a city of São Paulo, Brazil. The Chapel of Our Lady of Fatima thus became the only place in the entire Diocese of São José dos Campos to offer such celebration. Consequently, catholics of the neighboring cities gradually joined to the original group.

S. Fr. Pio de Pietrelcina and Fr. Ingo Dollinger. 

On April 19th, 2009 the first Latin Mass was celebrated by Fr. José Henrique do Carmo, who has just achieved his sacerdotal silver jubilee in 2019. In the seminar, Fr. José Henrique had among his teachers Fr. Ingo Dollinger, spiritual son of Saint Fr. Pio of Pietrelcina and an important collaborator of Joseph Ratzinger. 

Left to right: Dom Manuel Pestana, Fr. José Henrique and Fr. Ingo Dollinger 
Ignatian Spiritual Exercises 2019.

Later on, the so called Latin Mass Community aggregated the Sodality of Our Lady Help of the Christians and Saint Joseph. This sodality was formed in conformity with the Latin Mass spirit, even using a 1948 manual in order to comply in a certain sense with the 1962 Missal adopted to the celebrations. The presence of the sodality led to a multitude of new  religious activities, such as the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, pilgrimages, academies, and others.

In 2019, members of this community formed the Association Sursum Corda, aimed to spread and support the Latin Mass, thus leading others to find the hidden treasure of the Holy Church which is the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, contributing to the salvation of the souls. That's why all those who love the tradition of the Church expressed by the Holy Traditional Mass are invited to contribute, whether financially or spiritually through their prayers and apostolate. It's important to let the faithful to know that this union is the way for the nourishing and the expansion of the Holy Mass. An effort is essential not only individually but also collectively, through this association and other groups (such as the sodality), thus sharing the grace received for us with other people who certainly yearn to know the catholic truth.

Association Sursum Corda website: sursumcorda.org.br  Contact us by email: asvrsvmcorda@gmail.com

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