Geographic Information Systems and Spatial DBs

The course begins by covering relevant applications of spatial computing. It then focuses on theoretical background spatial objects, spatial operations, spatial access methods topics and spatial statistics. In labs two broad approaches for management and analysis of a spa tial data are introduced. The first utilizes database technologies (specifically, the Postgres database management system and its spatial extension PostGIS); the second utilizes programming languages (R and Python packages for spatial analysis). At the last, the course introduces big spatial frameworks (HadoopGIS, Geospark).

SDB Syllabus

Spatial Data Science by S. Shekar

Coordinate System Grids

Models of Spatial Information

Spatial Access Methods

Spatial Networks

Geostatistics and Spatial Statistics

Big Data Frameworks: HadoopGIS and GeoSpark

Labs: Spatial Analysis with RPostGIS -PostgreSQL GIS Extension • pgRouting • QGIS


+ Sashi Shekhar and Sanjay Chawla: Spatial Databases: A Tour. Pearson Eds. 2003.

+ Chris Brunsdon and Lex Comber: An Introduction to R for Spatial Analysis and Mapping SAGE Publications, 2015.

+ Dominik Mikiewicz, Michal Mackiewicz, Tomasz Nycz: Mastering PostGIS, Packt Pubs, 2017.