Rikard Forslid, Professor
Stockholm University
Department of Economics
+46-8-16 30 96
Research interests
International Trade
Environmental economics
Economic Geography and Regional Economics
Economic Growth
Recent Working Papers
Imports and the CO2 Emissions of Firms, (with Anders Akerman and Ossian Prane), CEPR, Discussion Paper no. 16090, 2021.
Trade, Transportation and the Environment, CEPR, Discussion Paper no. 14228, 2019.
Early agglomeration or late agglomeration?: Two phases of development with spatial sorting (with Toshihiro Okubo), CEPR, Discussion Paper no. 11977, 2017.
Recent Publications
Globotics and development: When manufacturing is jobless and services are tradeable. (with R.Baldwin), World Trade Review, 22(3-4), 2023, 302-311.
Trade, location, and multi-product firms. (with T.Okubo), Regional Science and Urban Economics, 100, 2023, 103891.
Who to vaccinate first: Some important trade-offs. (with M.Herzing), Covid Economics 79, 2021, 93-116.
Assessing the consequences of quarantines during a pandemic, (with Mathias Herzing), The European Journal of Health Economics, 2021: 1-14.
Agglomeration of low-productive entrepreneurs to large regions: a simple model, (with Toshihiro Okubo), Spatial Economic Analysis, 2021.
Border Carbon Adjustments and Climate Clubs - In the Eu context, ELF, December, 2020.
“Quarantine: When and How Long?” (with Mathias Herzing), CEPR Covid Economics Review, Issue 15, 7 May 2020.
Trade Transportation and the Environment, Vox CEPR, 3 April, 2020.
Brexit - balancing trade and mobility? (with Sten Nyberg), Scandinavian Journal of Economics, forthcoming.
Why are firms that export cleaner? International trade, abatement and environmental emissions (with Toshihiro Okubo, and Karen Helene Ullveit-Moe), Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol. 91, 2018, pp. 166- 183.
Sizing Up the Impact of Embassies on Exports (with S.Ferguson), Scandinavian Journal of Economics, vol 121:1 , 2019, pp. 278-297.
Trade Liberalization, Transboundary Pollution, and Market Size (with Toshihiro Okubo and Mark Sanctuary), Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 4, 2017, pp. 927-57.
Recent Publications in Swedish
Svensk vaccinfabrik behövs för att säkra leveranserna, DN Debatt, 7/4-2020.
Brexit och EU:s fortbestånd, i 'EU och Nationalstatens Återkomst' (Engelbrekt, Michalski och Oxelheim reds.), 2019.
Fel motverka handeln för att minska klimatutsläppen (med Mark Sanctuary) , DN DEBATT 5/11, 2018.
Goda råd till Brexitförhandlarna, (med Sten Nyberg), Ekonomistas, 2017-10-24.
Member of the board of the Swedish National Debt Office, 2016-
Member of the scientific council of The Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis, 2019-
Expert in The Swedish Patent and Market Courts