
Working Mothers and Political Daughters: Intergenerational Dynamics of Women’s Political Representation (forthcoming) with Moa Frödin Gruneau, The British Journal of Political Science.

Sexual Harassment and Gender Inequality in the Labor Market (2022) with Olle Folke, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 137(4), 2163-2212.

[Coverage: The Economist, Financial Times, Die Presse, Podcast: The Visible Hand]

Politicians’ Neighborhoods: Where do they Live and does it Matter? (forthcoming) with Olle Folke, Linna Martén, and Matz Dahlberg. The Journal of Politics

Labor Market Foundations of Political Candidacy across Parties (forthcoming) with Olle Folke and Jan Szulkin, The Journal of Politics.

Economic and Social Outsiders but Political Insiders: Sweden’s Populist Radical Right (forthcoming) with Ernesto Dal Bó, Frederico Finan, Olle Folke, and Torsten Persson, The Review of Economic Studies

[Coverage: Financial Times, Dagens Nyheter, The Independent, Bloomberg News, The Huffington Post,,, Yle Nyheter, Klasskampen, VG, Atlantico, El Mundo, Haaretz, CNS, INET, Helsingin Sanomat. Blog: Winner of the 2019 SOIE Best Paper Award.] 

Party nomination strategies in list proportional representation systems  (2022) with Peter Buisseret, Olle Folke, and Carlo Prato. American Journal of Political Science, 66(3): 714-729.

[Winner of the CQ Press Award for the best paper on legislative studies presented at the APSA Annual Meeting 2017]

Who cleans my house if the government pays? Refugees, low-educated workers, and long-term unemployed in tax-subsidized domestic service firms. 2021. IZA Journal of Labor Policy, 11(1). 

All the Single Ladies: Job Promotions and the Durability of Marriage. 2020. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 12(1): 260-87. with Olle Folke.

[Coverage: New York Times, The Atlantic, El País, BBC, Frankfurter Allgemeine, DN, Fortune, Slate, Forskning och Framsteg, DN, TV 4, Nada Es Gratis, Zetland, SVD, Dagens Arena, Blick, Extra, Kauppalehti, Business Insider, LSE Business Review Blog. Winner of the Peggy and Richard Musgrave Prize at the IIPF 2018]

Sexual Harassment of Women Leaders. 2020. Daedalus 149(1): 180-197, with Olle Folke, Seiki Tanaka, and Yasuka Tateishi.

[Coverage: Daily Mail, Nikkei Shimbun, Der Spiegel, Forbes, CBS News, The Independent, SvD, DN, AGI]

Gender and Dynastic Political Recruitment (2021) Comparative Political Studies 54(2): 339-371 with Olle Folke and Daniel M. Smith.

[Coverage: CNN]

Who wins preference votes? An analysis of party loyalty, ideology, and accountability to voters. 2020. Journal of Theoretical Politics 32(1): 11–35, with Olle Folke.

Who becomes a Politician? 2017. Quarterly Journal of Economics 132(4): 1877-1914, with Dal Bó, Ernesto, Finan, Frederico, Folke, Olle, and Torsten Persson.

[Coverage: Expressen, Sveriges Radio,, GP, Helsingin Sanomat, Vox EU]

Dynastic Political Rents. 2017. Economic Journal 127: 495-517. with Folke, Olle and Torsten Persson.

Gender Quotas and the Crisis of the Mediocre Man: Theory and Evidence from Sweden. 2017. American Economic Review 107(8): 2204-2242, with Besley, Tim, Folke, Olle, and Torsten Persson.

[Coverage: LSE Blog, Microeconomic Insights, ABC (Australia), NZ Herald, Slate, Dagsavisen, SVT, Aftonbladet, DN, Feministiskt Perspektiv, The Independent, Eco Diario, Scottish Herald, The Weeds, El Diario, Veckans Affärer, The Sydney Morning Post, Slate]

Government Intervention in the Capital Allocation Process: Excess Employment as an IPO Selection Rule in China. 2017. China Economic Review 44: 271-281. with Johansson, Anders, Danglun Luo and Wei Zhang. 

The Primary Effect: Preference Votes and Political Promotions. 2016. American Political Science Review 110(3): 559-578. with Olle Folke and Torsten Persson.

Gender Quotas and Women's Political Leadership. 2016. American Political Science Review. 110(01): 112-126, with Diana O'Brien.

The Glass Ceiling in Politics: Formalization and Empirical Tests. 2016. Comparative Political Studies 49(5): 567-599, with Olle Folke. 

Electoral competition and gender differences in political careers. 2016. Quarterly Journal of Political Science 11(1): 59-101, with Olle Folke.

Inequality in Social Insurance Participation and Generosity: Do Firm Characteristics Matter? 201. Social Policy & Administration 51(5): 755-775. with Qin Gao.

Gender Quotas and Ethnic Minority Representation: Swedish Evidence from a Longitudinal Mixed Methods Study. 2015. Gender & Politics 11(2): 345-381, with Freidenvall, Lenita and Olle Folke.

Firm Ownership and Social Insurance Inequality in Transitional China: Evidence from a Large Panel of Firm Data. 2014. European Journal of Social Security 16(1): 2-25, with Qin Gao.

Income inequality between Chinese regions: Newfound harmony or continued discord? 2014. Empirical Economics 41(1): 93-110, with Johan Lyhagen.

Social insurance and labor market conditions in urban China. 2013. China Economic Review 27: 52-68.

When does intimate partner violence continue after separation? 2013. Violence Against Women 19(5): 617-633, with Petra Ornstein.

Gender and work compensation in China’s industrial sector. 2012. Review of Income and Wealth 58(2): 307-354.

Essays in Development, Institutions and Gender. 2011. Economic Studies 126, Department of Economics, Uppsala University [PhD. Thesis].

Publications in Swedish

Kvinnor med flyktingbakgrund i rut-subventionerade företag. 2019. SNS Analys nr. 56.

Varför tjänar kvinnor mer än män? i Nationalekonomins frågor. Studentlitteratur.

Könskvotering, kompetens och karriärer. SNS Analys nr. 41, 2017, with Olle Folke och Torsten Persson.

Kompetens och klassbakgrund bland svenska politiker. 2017. Ekonomisk Debatt nr 3, med Olle Folke och Torsten Persson.

All the single ladies – toppjobb och skilsmässor bland kvinnor och män. 2017. Ekonomisk Debatt P&P från Nationalekonomiska Konferensen.

Vertikal ojämlikhet i kommunpolitiken. 2015. Bilaga till Demokratiutredningen 2015, med Olle Folke.

Personröster och politiska karriärer i svenska kommuner. 2015. i Berg, L. och Oscarsson, H. 20 År med Personval. Valforskningsprogrammet, Göteborgs Universitet.

Rekrytering av tjänstepersoner i den kommunala sektorn. 2014. i  David Karlsson & Mikael Gilljam (red) Svenska politiker: om de folkvalda i riksdag, landsting och kommun. Santérus: Stockholm. med Dahlström, Carl och Olle Folke.

Personröster och politisk makt. 2014. Ekonomisk Debatt 42(1), 17-26. med Folke, Olle och Torsten Persson (awarded the Myrdal Prize for best article in 2014).

Könskvotering och kvinnors karriärer: En jämförelse av svenska politiska partier. 2014. Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift 116(2), 207–228 (awarded best article prize in 2014).

Kvinnotricket och konkurrenskraften. 2013. in Bakardjieva-Engelbrekt, A, Oxelheim, L., and Persson, T. (Eds) Ett konkurrenskraftigt EU till rätt pris - Europaperspektiv 2012, Santérus Förlag: Stockholm, med Olle Folke

Personröster och Politiska Karriärer. 2012. SNS Analys nr. 4, med Olle Folke,

Kvinnor i politiken och män vid makten? Könskvotering och konkurrens i svenska kommuner. 2012. Ekonomisk Debatt nr. 12, 2012, med Olle Folke.

Ekonomer som hatar kvinnor, Bokanmälan, Ekonomisk Debatt nr. 6 2012, med Emma von Essen.

Kina: nygammal supermakt eller nymaoistisk maktillusion? 2011. Bokanmälan, Ekonomisk Debatt nr. 4.

Kan vetopunkter förklara välfärdsreformer? in Santesson-Wilson, P. and Erlingsson, G. (Eds) Reform - Tröghet och förändring i välfärdsstaterna, Stockholm: Nordstedts.