Organizations & Markets Workshop 2024

Queen’s Workshop on Organizations and Markets


June 13th & 14th, 2024

Smith School of Business, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario



The organizers gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Smith School of Business of Queen’s University and The Brattle Group, without which this workshop would not be possible.

Note: All sessions will take place in Room 118 at Goodes Hall on 143 Union Street in Kingston, ON. The sessions will be divided into 45-min presentations, and 10-min Q&A from the floor.


June 13th 2024


8:30am – 8:55am:  Coffee @Room 108


8:55am – 9:00am    Welcome Remarks


9:00am – 10:50am:    Session 1: Chair Veikko Thiele


Peer Pressure and Manager Pressure in Organisations

Presenter: Jordi Blanes-I-Vidal (LSE)


Artificial Intelligence in the Knowledge Economy

Presenter: Enrique Ide (IESE Business School)


10:50am – 11:15am: Coffee Break @Room 108


11:15am – 12:10pm:   Session 2: Chair Henry Schneider


Leadership in Non-Routine Analytical Team Tasks

Presenter: Florian Englmaier (LMU Munich)


12:10am – 12:45pm: Flash presentations preceding poster session


Networks and Power: The Effects of Random Selection Into an Administrative Elite

Alessandra Alloca (LMU Munich)


Training and Job Separation in Imperfect Labor Markets: The Case of Non-Compete Agreements

Bhargav Gopal (Smith Queen’s U)


Competing on Disclosure: Common Ownership and Environmental Transparency

Dimitri Hadjistavropoulos (Smith Queen’s U)


Test of Financial Inclusivity of Peer-to-Peer Lending Platforms During Crisis: The Case of COVID-19

Yuchen Lin (Smith Queen’s U)


The Price of Diversity: Evidence from Municipal Bonds

Federico Ricca (UBC)


Minding Your Business or Minding Your Child? Motherhood and the Entrepreneurship Gap

Valentina Rutigliano (UBC)


Heterogeneity in Vertical Foreclosure: Evidence from the Chinese Film Industry

Shilong Sun (Smith Queen’s U)


12:45pm – 1:30pm:    Lunch @Room 108


1:30pm – 2:30pm:  Poster Presentation Session @ Room 108


2:30pm – 3:25pm:  Session 3: Chair Ricard Gil


Common Ownership and Competition in the RTE Cereal Industry

Presenter: Michael Sinkinson (Yale University)


3:25pm – 3:50pm:  Coffee Break @Room 108


3:50pm – 5:00pm:  Industry Practitioner Panel


Jeanne Pratt, Senior Deputy Commissioner, Mergers and Monopolistic Practices Branch Competition Bureau

Nicholas Janota, Associate Deputy Commissioner, Economic Analysis Directorate


5:30pm – 9:00pm:   Dinner @ Ivey Lea Club –

Bus Transportation waiting outside business school at 143 Union Street


June 14th 2024


8:30am – 9:00am:  Coffee @Room 108


9:00am – 10:50am:    Session 1: Chair Paula Lopez-Peña


Relationships and Responsibility

Presenter: Laura Boudreau (Columbia University)


Rules versus Courts in Procurement

Presenter: Dzhamilya Nigmatulina (University of Lausanne)


10:50am – 11:15am: Coffee Break @Room 108


11:15am – 12:10pm:   Session 2: Chair Alina Wang


When Democracy Refuses to Die: Evaluating a Training Program for New Politicians

Presenter: Claudio Ferraz (UBC)


12:15pm – 1:40pm:    Lunch @ TBD


1:40pm – 3:30pm:  Session 3: Chair Olena Ivus


Sticky Consumers and Cloud Welfare

Presenter: Chuqing Jin (Toulouse School of Economics)


Global Supply Chain Disruptions and Product Market Competition

Presenter: Erasmo Giambona (Syracuse University)


3:30pm – 3:50pm:  Coffee Break @Room 108


3:50pm – 4:45pm:   Session 2: Chair Bhargav Gopal


Within-Firm Pay Inequality and Productivity

Presenter: Cristina Tello-Trillo (Census - University of Maryland)


4:45 pm -                Closing Remarks - Adjourned


6:15pm – 9:15pm:  Invitation to Boat Cruise and Dinner around the Thousand Islands.

Boarding starts at 6:15pm, from #1 Brock Street.