Visual Rhetoric

Rhetoric doesn't just happen with words. Images and pictures have meanings to us, too, and people can use them to influence and affect us in many different ways. Just as rhetoric in general has to do with how you choose to express yourself, visual rhetoric involves how you choose to present information or an argument through images. In other words,

Visual rhetoric = How you tell a message or "argue" with images or pictures.

Images are a powerful way of communicating ideas and persuading us, including in ways that we don't always notice. Remember: In a magazine advertisement or TV ad, advertisers arrange (almost) everything on purpose. Assume that nothing is left to chance. Advertisers are very careful about what images they show in an ad, especially nowadays when they can use Photoshop to edit images after a photo is taken. If the ad shows certain colors or objects or has objects arranged in a certain way, it is probably to achieve a certain affect.

For an example of analyzing visual rhetoric, look at this ad. Ask yourself: what is this ad for? How do you know the ad's purpose? (In other words, what details give you this information?) Here are some examples of my analysis of the ad:

How to Analyze Visual Rhetoric

When you are analyzing the visual rhetoric of an image or advertisement, just use the following steps:

That's about it! If you follow these steps, then you will have a good idea of how the visual rhetoric of an ad is working.

Practice and Review Time!

Here's an example movie that shows how to analyze an ad's visual rhetoric. In this example, the analyzer follows basically the same steps as the four mentioned above (though they could have taken more time to consider the ad's audience). The analyzer came up with a main argument/message ("the need to escape through Coca Cola"), and they noticed the meaning of colors and objects in the ad. They looked at what the images meant or suggested to the ad's audience.

Several eighth-grade English classes worked together in analyzing ads to come up with some basic rules for visual rhetoric. This is the document we made. It isn't a complete list of all of the different techniques of visual rhetoric, but it is a good introduction: Visual Rhetoric Reference.pdf

Based on what you now know about rhetoric, try looking at the following print ads and practice analyzing their visual rhetoric. Ask yourself these and other questions: What do the colors mean? Why are certain objects included or not included in the ad? How would the effect change if certain parts of the ad were changed?

More Materials on Visual Rhetoric

If you are interested in learning more about visual rhetoric, good for you! This webpage barely scratches the surface of how powerful images can be. Check out the following resources I've picked that teach more about visual rhetoric and design: