
You can also find my papers from Google Scholar, SSRN, IDEAS, and EconPapers


"Labor Market Screening and the Design of Social Insurance: An Equilibrium Analysis of the Labor Market for the Disabled," with Naoki Aizawa and Soojin Kim, July 2022

"Labor Market Transition of the Disabled in South Korea," with Sungwon Yang (written in Korean)

"Understanding the Aggregate Effects of Disability Insurance," with Soojin Kim

"Disability and Occupational Labor Transitions: Evidence from South Korea," 

"Geographic Reallocation and Unemployment During the Great Recession," with Fatih Karahan.

"Measuring the Effects of Employment Protection Policies: Theory and Evidence from the Americans with Disabilities Act," with Soojin Kim.


"Population Aging, Migration Spillovers, and the Decline in Interstate Migration," with Fatih Karahan, September 2017

"The Evaluation of Social Security Reforms with Heterogeneous Human Capital," with  Soojin Kim

"The Joint Analysis of Old-Age Pension and Means-tested Cash Transfers"

"Labor Market Transitions and Disability" with Siha Lee