
Works in Progress

[5] Inward FDI and regional performance in Europe after the Great Recession (with R. Crescenzi) - Revision Requested.

[4] When the rain comes, don't stay at home! Regional innovation and trans-local investment in the aftermath of the Great Recession (with R. Crescenzi) - R&R (2nd round).

[3] Napoleonic administrative reforms and development in the Italian Mezzogiorno (with G. Cainelli, C. Ciccarelli) [latest version (June 2024)] - R&R.

[2] Enlightenment and the long-term persistence of the Habsburg administrative tradition (with G. Cainelli, N. Matsiuk) [WP of an old version (Feb. 2023); latest version (Jan. 2024)].

[1] Historical sovereignty change and local development (with M. Balestra, G. Cainelli, N. Matsiuk, M. Pasquato, R. Pierdicca).

Selected Publications [from the most recent]

[3] Value chain, regional institutions and firm growth in Europe (with G. Cainelli, A. Giunta). Journal of Economic Geography, 2023, 23(4), 745-770. [link]

[2] Does foreign investment hurt job creation at home? The geography of outward FDI and employment in the USA (with R. Crescenzi, M. Storper). Journal of Economic Geography, 2022, 22(1), 53-79. [link, Open Access]

[1] Institutions and the productivity challenge for European regions (with A. Rodríguez-Pose). Journal of Economic Geography, 2022, 22(1), 1-25. [link, Open Access]

Other Publications [from the most recent]

[26] Is this time different? How Industry 4.0 affects firms' labor productivity (with M. Bettiol, M. Capestro, E. Di Maria). Small Business Economics, 2024, 62, 1449-1467. [link, Open Access]

[25] Firm-level productivity growth returns of social capital: Evidence from Western Europe (with A. Rodríguez Pose ). Journal of Regional Science, 2023, 63(3), 529-551. [link]

[24] Detecting economic growth pathways in the EU's lagging regions (with A. Kilroy). Regional Studies, 2023, 57(1), 41-56. [link]

[23] Business groups, institutions, and firm performance (with G. Cainelli, A. Giunta). Industrial and Corporate Change, 2022, 31(1), 215-233. [link]

[22] La capacità innovativa delle regioni: riflessioni sul nuovo "triangolo industriale" (with R. Grandinetti). Economia e Società Regionale, 2022, XL(1), 105-125. [link]

[21] Credit constraints in European SMEs: Does institutional quality matter? (with A. Rodríguez-Pose). Applied Economics Letters, 2022, 29(15), 1388-1392. [link]

[20] Does urban concentration matter for changes in country economic performance? (with A. Rodríguez-Pose). Urban Studies, 2022, 59(6), 1275-1299. [link]

[19] Credit constraints, labour productivity, and the role of regional institutions: Evidence from manufacturing firms in Europe (with A. Rodríguez-Pose, K. Maslauskaite, M. Brezzi). Journal of Regional Science, 2021, 61(2), 299-328. [link]

[18] Disentangling regional innovation capability: What really matters? (with R. Grandinetti). Industry and Innovation, 2021, 28(6), 749-772. [link]

[17] Knowledge spillovers, related variety and firm heterogeneity (with G. Cainelli). Scienze Regionali - Italian Journal of Regional Science, 2021, 20(2), 167-180. [link]

[16] Detecting space-time agglomeration processes over the Great Recession using firm-level micro-geographic data (with G. Cainelli, Y. Jiang). Journal of Geographical Systems, 2020, 22, 419-445. [link, Open Access]

[15] Does related variety affect regional resilience? New evidence from Italy (with G. Cainelli, M. Modica). The Annals of Regional Science, 2019, 62(3), 657-680. [link]

[14] Related variety and firm heterogeneity. What really matters for short-run firm growth? (with G. Cainelli). Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 2019, 31(9-10), 768-784. [link]

[13] Vertical relatedness and services outsourcing: A firm-level analysis (G. Cainelli, D. Iacobucci). Industrial and Corporate Change, 2019, 28(4), 753-771. [link]

[12] Do high-quality local institutions shape labour productivity in Western European manufacturing firms? (with A. Rodríguez-Pose). Papers in Regional Science, 2019, 98(4), 1633-1666. [link]

[11] Spatial agglomeration, Global Value Chains, and productivity. Micro-evidence from Italy and Spain (with G. Cainelli, A. Giunta). Economics Letters, 2018, 169, 43-46. [link]

[10] Industrial clusters, organized crime, and productivity growth in Italian SMEs (with A. Rodríguez-Pose). Journal of Regional Science, 2018, 58(2), 363-385. [link]

[9] Industrial relatedness and regional resilience in the European Union (with G. Cainelli, M. Modica). Papers in Regional Science, 2018, 98(2), 755-778. [link]

[8] Distance-based agglomeration externalities and neighbouring firms' characteristics (with G. Cainelli). Regional Studies, 2018, 52(7), 922-933. [link]

[7] Institutions and economic growth in Africa. A spatial econometric approach. Economia Politica - Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics, 2017, 34(3), 425-444. [link]

[6] Does agglomeration affect export? Evidence from Italian Local Labour Markets (with G. Cainelli, E. Di Maria). Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie - Journal of Economic and Social Geography, 2017, 108(5), 554-570. [link]

[5] SMEs' growth in international markets: Export intensity, export diversification and distribution strategies (with E. Di Maria). Economia e Politica Industriale - Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, 2017, 44(3), 345-369. [link]

[4] Do geographic concentration and vertically-related variety foster firm productivity? Micro-evidence from Italy (with G. Cainelli, D. Iacobucci). Growth and Change, 2016, 47(2), 197-217. [link]

[3] Productivity, credit constraints and the role of short-run localization economies: Micro-evidence from Italy. Regional Studies, 2016, 50(11) 1834-1848. [link]

[2] Smart Specialization, diversificazione correlata e resilienza regionale: Una nota a margine di un dibattito (with G. Cainelli). Scienze Regionali - Italian Journal of Regional Science, 2016, 15(3), 29-46. [link]

[1] An explanation of firms' internationalisation modes, blending firm heterogeneity and spatial agglomeration. Micro-evidence from Italy (with G. Cainelli, E. Di Maria). Environment and Planning A, 2014, 46(4), 943-962. [link]


[1] Regional economics and spatial agglomeration: Exploring local heterogeneity (with G. Cainelli), 2021, Routledge - Accepted and in preparation.

Contributions in Books [from the most recent]

[2] Industry diversity, firm heterogeneity and economic performance (with G. Cainelli). In: M. Andersson, C. Karlsoon, S. Wixe (Eds.), Handbook of Spatial Diversity and Business Economics, 2021, Oxford University Press - Revised and resubmitted.

[1] La strana coppia: Il ruolo dei gruppi e delle istituzioni regionali nella performance d’impresa (with G. Cainelli, A. Giunta). In: A. Del Monte, S. Moccia, L. Pennacchio (Eds.), Imprenditorialità e Sviluppo Economico. Il Ruolo delle Politiche Pubbliche (pp. 219–234), 2019, Rubbettino.