RF Power Tools
Build your own RF Power Amplifier
We have amplifier boards, T/R switches and Lowpass filters for amplifier builders. Our Store features bare PCB boards and assembled/tested modules.
Single NXP MRF-101 Eval Board - Covers 1.8 - 54 MHz, 1W in - 100W out, 5 X 5 cm.
This design won 1st place in the NXP Design Challenge, view the YouTube Video here.
Dual Microsemi VRF2933/VRF2944 Eval Board - Based on AN-1819
Covers 1.8 - 30 MHz (to 54 MHz with external matching) provides 500W or 700W output, 20 dB gain. 4 X 6" PCB with on-board bias and temperature sensor
100W T/R Switch with VSWR Bridge - provides switching and power measurements for amps up to 100W.
This is a 5 X 5 CM board designed to be mounted on top of the 100W MRF-101 amplifier board.
100W Low-Pass Filter Boards - When added to the output of an amplifier, provides a spectrally pure signal for on-ther-air operation.
Three-band design - Same 5 x 5 cm form factor as the MRF-101 eval board for easy mounting.
Seven-band design - Cover 160/80/60/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6M ham bands
For a complete 5W in 50W out 1.8 - 54 MHz, FCC type accepted kit have a look at the Hobby PCB Hardrock-50.
HobbyPCB also has a 5W board that is useful in QRP projects.