
EXTRACT: Efficient Policy Learning by Extracting Transferrable Robot Skills from Offline Data

Jesse Zhang, Minho Heo, Zuxin Liu, Erdem Biyik, Joseph J Lim, Yao Liu, Rasool Fakoor

ArXiv 2024. [PDF][Website]

TAIL: Task-specific Adapters for Imitation Learning with Large Pretrained Models

Zuxin Liu, Jesse Zhang, Kavosh Asadi, Yao Liu, Ding Zhao, Shoham Sabach, Rasool Fakoor

ICLR 2024. [PDF]

Time-Varying Propensity Score to Bridge the Gap between the Past and Present

Rasool Fakoor, Jonas Mueller, Zachary C.  Lipton, Pratik Chaudhari, Alexander J. Smola

ICLR 2024. [PDF]

Learning the Target Network in Function Space

Kavosh Asadi*, Yao Liu*, Shoham Sabach*, Ming Yin*, Rasool Fakoor

ICML 2024. [PDF]

Budgeting Counterfactual for Offline RL

Yao Liu, Pratik Chaudhari, Rasool Fakoor

NeurIPS 2023. [PDF]

Flexible Model Aggregation for Quantile Regression

Rasool Fakoor, Taesup Kim, Jonas Mueller, Alexander J. Smola, Ryan J. Tibshirani

JMLR, 2023. [PDF][Code]

Resetting the Optimizer in Deep RL: An Empirical Study

Kavosh Asadi, Rasool Fakoor, Shoham Sabach

NeurIPS 2023. [PDF]

Task-Agnostic Continual Reinforcement Learning: Gaining Insights and Overcoming Challenges  

Massimo Caccia, Jonas Mueller, Taesup Kim, Laurent Charlin, Rasool Fakoor

CoLLAs 2023. [PDF][Code]

TD Convergence: An Optimization Perspective

Kavosh Asadi, Shoham Sabach, Yao Liu, Omer Gottesman, Rasool Fakoor

NeurIPS 2023[PDF]

Adaptive Interest for Emphatic Reinforcement Learning

Martin Klissarov, Rasool Fakoor, Jonas Mueller, Kavosh Asadi, Taesup Kim,  Alexander J. Smola

NeurIPS 2022 . [PDF]

Faster Deep Reinforcement Learning with Slower Online Network

Kavosh Asadi, Rasool Fakoor, Omer Gottesman, Michael L Littman, Alexander J Smola

NeurIPS 2022. [PDF][Code][Blog]

Continuous Doubly Constrained Batch Reinforcement Learning

Rasool Fakoor, Jonas Mueller,  Pratik Chaudhari, Alexander J. Smola

NeurIPS 2021. [PDF][Code]

Robust Reinforcement Learning for Shifting Dynamics During Deployment

Samuel Stanton, Rasool Fakoor, Jonas Mueller, Andrew Gordon Wilson, Alexander J. Smola

Safe and Robust Control of Uncertain Systems Workshop, NeurIPS 2021. [PDF]


Rasool Fakoor, Pratik Chaudhari, Stefano Soatto, Alexander J. Smola.

ICLR 2020 (Long oral talk, 2% acceptance rate). [PDF][Blog post][Code]

Fast, Accurate, and Simple Models for Tabular Data via Augmented Distillation

Rasool Fakoor*, Jonas Mueller*, Nick Erickson, Pratik Chaudhari, Alexander J. Smola

NeurIPS 2020. [PDF][Code]

TraDE: Transformers for Density Estimation

Rasool Fakoor, Pratik Chaudhari,  Jonas Mueller, Alexander J. Smola.

Invertible Neural Networks, Normalizing Flows, and Explicit Likelihood Models Workshop, ICML 2020. [PDF]

DDPG++: Striving for Simplicity in Continuous-control Off-Policy Reinforcement Learning

Rasool Fakoor, Pratik Chaudhari,  Alexander J. Smola.

Preprint 2020. [PDF]

P3O: Policy-on Policy-off Policy Optimization

Rasool Fakoor, Pratik Chaudhari, Alexander J. Smola.

UAI 2019. [PDF][Code]
Also, second place in sample-efficiency track of ProcGen competition at NeurIPS 2020

Constrained Convolutional-Recurrent Networks to Improve Speech Quality with Low Impact on Recognition Accuracy    

Rasool Fakoor, Xiaodong He, Ivan Tashev, Shuayb Zarar.

ICASSP 2018 . [PDF]

Direct Optimization of F-measure for Retrieval-based Personal Question Answering

Rasool Fakoor, Amanjit Kainth, Siamak Shakeri, Christopher Winestock, Abdel-rahman Mohamed, Ruhi Sarikaya.

SLT 2018. [PDF][Blog]

Differentiable Greedy Networks

Thomas Powers, Rasool Fakoor, Siamak Shakeri, Abhinav Sethy, Amanjit Kainth, Abdel-rahman Mohamed, Ruhi Sarikaya.

ArXiv, Oct 2018. [PDF]

Reinforcement Learning To Adapt Speech Enhancement to Instantaneous Input Signal Quality

Rasool Fakoor, Xiaodong He, Ivan Tashev, Shuayb Zarar.

NIPS 2017, Machine Learning for Audio Signal Processing Workshop, December 2017. [PDF]

Memory-augmented Attention Modelling for Videos

Rasool Fakoor, Abdel-rahman Mohamed, Margaret Mitchell, Sing Bing Kang, Pushmeet Kohli.

ArXiv, November 2016. [PDF][Code]

Deep Transferable Zero-shot Learning with Layer-specific Regularizers and Embeddings

Rasool Fakoor, Mohit Bansal, Matthew R. Walter.

Technical Report, December 2015. [PDF]

Deep Attribute-based Zero-shot Learning with Layer-specific Regularizers

Rasool Fakoor, Mohit Bansal, Matthew R. Walter.

NIPS 2015, Transfer and Multi-Task Learning Workshop, December 2015. [PDF]

Using Deep Learning to Enhance Cancer Diagnosis and Classification.

Rasool Fakoor, Faisal Lahdak, Azade Nazi, Manfred Huber.

International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2013) , WHEALTH workshop, Atlanta , GA, 2013.


A Sampling-Based Approach to Reducing the Complexity of Continuous State Space POMDPs by Decomposition into Coupled Perceptual and Decision Processes. 

Rasool Fakoor, Manfred Huber. 

The 11th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2012). December 2012.


Improving Tractability of POMDPs by Separation of Decision and Perceptual Processes.

Rasool Fakoor, Manfred Huber.  

The 2012 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2012), October 2012.


An Integrated Cloud-based Framework for Mobile Phone Sensing.

Rasool Fakoor, Mayank Raj, Azade Nazi, Mario Di Francesco, S. K. Das. 

Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM, Workshop on Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC 2012), August 2012.


Reducing the complexity of reinforcement learning in POMDPs by decomposition into decision and perceptual processes.

Rasool Fakoor.

Master Thesis,  December 2012. [PDF]