
Papers under revision

How much do we learn? Measuring symmetric and asymmetric deviations from Bayesian updating through choices, with Adogan, I, Baillon, A. and Li, C. 

R&R in Quantitative Economics.

Learning under Ambiguity: An Experimental Investigation, with Abdellaoui, M., Hill, B. and Maafi, H.

R&R in Journal of Economic Theory.

Published Papers

Related to Decision Theory and Behavioral Decision Making

18. Gutierrez, C.  and Kemel, E. (2024) Measuring natural source dependence.

Experimental Economics, forthcoming.

17. Abdellaoui, M., Kemel, E., Panin, A. and Vieider, F. (2024) Time for tea: Measuring discounting for money and consumption without the utility confound.

Journal of Development Economics, 103261

16. Kemel, E. and Paraschiv C. (2023). Risking the Future? Measuring Risk Attitudes towards Delayed Consequences. 

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 208, 325-344.

15. Abdellaoui, M., Diecidue, E., Kemel, E., & Onculer, A. (2022). Temporal risk: Utility vs. probability weighting. 

Management Science, 68(7), 5162-5186.

14.Ruggeri, K., Panin, A., Vdovic, M., Većkalov, B., Abdul-Salaam, N., Achterberg, J., ... & Toscano, F. (2022). The globalizability of temporal discounting. 

Nature Human Behaviour, 6(10), 1386-1397.

13. Abdellaoui, M., Bleichrodt, H., Kemel, E., & l’Haridon, O. (2021). Measuring beliefs under ambiguity. 

Operations Research, 69(2), 599-612.

12. Abdellaoui, M., Kemel, E., Panin, A., and Vieider, F. (2019). Measuring Time and Risk Preferences in an Integrated Framework. 

Games and Economic Behavior,  115, 459-469.

11. Kemel, E., and Paraschiv, C. (2018). Deciding about human lives: an experimental measure of risk attitudes under prospect theory.  

Social Choice and Welfare, 51(1), 163-192.

10. Abdellaoui, M., Gutierrez, C. and Kemel, E (2018). Temporal Discounting of Gains and Losses of Time: An Experimental Investigation. 

Journal of risk and uncertainty, 57, 1-28.

9. Kemel, E. and Travers, M. (2016). Comparing attitudes towards time and towards money in experience-based decisions.

 Theory and Decision, 80, 71-100

8. Abdellaoui, M. and Kemel, E. (2014). Eliciting prospect theory when consequences are measured in time units: Time is not money. 

Management Science,  60, 1844-1859.

Related to Transport and Safety

7. Kemel, E. (2015). Wrong-way driving crashes on French divided roads.

 Accident Analysis and Prevention, 75, 69-76

6. Denant-Boemont and Kemel, E. (2015), Les apports de l’économie expérimentale à l’évaluation des politiques de sécurité routière, in Évaluation des politiques de sécurité routière, Méthodes, outils et limites, Blanchard and Carnis, L'Harmattan. 

5. Kemel, E. and Paraschiv, C. (2013). Prospect theory for joint time and money consequences in risk and ambiguity.

Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 56, 81-95.

4. Kemel, E. (2013). Dissuasion de la conduite sous l'emprise de l'alcool, de la théorie aux comportements.

Les Cahiers Scientifiques du Transport, 63, 93-117.

3. Carnis, L. and Kemel, E. (2012). Assessing the role of context in traffic light violations.

Economics Bulletin, 32, 3386-3393.

2. Kemel, E. Collet, R. and Hivert, L. (2011). Evidence for an endogenous rebound effect impacting long-run car use elasticity to fuel price.

Economics Bulletin, 31, 2777-2786

Related to Machine Learnin

1. Kemel, E., Thiery, A., & Nusinovici, S. (2022). Statistical Methods for Big Data. 

In Ophthalmic Epidemiology (pp. 62-74). CRC Press.

Work in progress