LIST OF HOLOCAUSTS AND GENOCIDES from "US-imposed Post-9-11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide” by Gideon Polya

A new book “US-imposed Post-9-11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide” by Gideon Polya (Korsgaard Publishing, 2020) quantitatively exposes atrocities from colonial crimes (e.g. the Australian Aboriginal Genocide) to the 21st century Muslim Holocaust and the worsening Climate Genocide: . The Epilogue of this new book contains a List of Genocides and Holocausts that is reproduced below.

History ignored yields history repeated, holocaust ignored yields holocaust repeated, and genocide ignored yields genocide repeated, noting that “holocaust” refers to a huge number of deaths, and that “genocide” is defined by the UN Genocide Convention as “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group”. Yet so many holocausts and genocides are ignored. Thus in 1942-1945 the British with Australian complicity deliberately starved 6-7 million Indians to death in Bengal and in adjacent Indian provinces for strategic reasons. However the WW2 Bengali Holocaust, the first WW2 atrocity to have been described as a “holocaust” and contemporaneous with the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million Jews killed by violence or imposed deprivation), has been largely removed from public perception, as have been many other man-made mass mortality atrocities. This lying by omission is far, far worse than repugnant lying by commission because the latter at least permits refutation and discussion. Indeed for the same reason genocide ignoring and holocaust ignoring are far, far worse than repugnant genocide denial and holocaust denial. Of course war is the penultimate in racism and genocidal war is the ultimate in racism.

In the main this book addresses the question of how many people have died in the US-imposed post-9-11 Muslim Holocaust and Muslim Genocide (the post-9-11 US War on Terror), and the short answer is “Lots”. The ghastly 21st century reality is that an estimated 32 million Muslims have died from violence, 5 million, or through avoidable death from imposed deprivation, 27 million, in 20 countries invaded by the US Alliance since the US Government’s 9-11 false flag atrocity (3,000 killed) that numerous science, architecture, engineering, aviation, military and intelligence experts conclude was perpetrated by the US Government itself. However it gets much, much worse because holocaust ignored yields holocaust repeated. The large-scale active and passive killing continues. Indeed each year 15 million people die avoidably from deprivation in an ongoing Global Avoidable Mortality Holocaust on Spaceship Earth with endlessly greedy, neoliberal One Percenters in charge of the flight deck.

Humanity and the Biosphere are existentially threatened by nuclear weapons and man-made climate change, this leading the brilliant Professor Stephen Hawking to state: “We see great peril if governments and societies do not take action now to render nuclear weapons obsolete and to prevent further climate change”. However continuing ignoring and inaction means a worsening Climate Genocide in which 10 billion people will die en route to a sustainable human population of only 0.5-1.0 billion by 2100. Truth and love can yet save Humanity and the Biosphere but we are rapidly running out of time. We must act by informing others and opposing those whose murderous greed, racism and violence would destroy our world. Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity.

“US-Imposed Post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide” is a monument to free speech in a time of cowardice and widespread censorship. This book delivers a profound message from a scientist to fellow humanitarians across the globe: “Silence kills and silence is complicity”. With silence from government, academia, and mainstream media, read this book if you want to understand the disastrous consequences of the “War on Terror” and “Climate denial.”

Foreword by S. Korsgaard: Accountability and Freedom of Press……v

Foreword by K. Barrett: Holocaust Studies Revised..….……………..xxi

Introduction to US-Imposed Post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust and Muslim Genocide by G. Polya…xxvii

Chapter 1: Global Avoidable Mortality Holocaust…..………..…….....1

Chapter 2: Mainstream media fake news through lying by omission...15

Chapter 3: “Forgotten” WW2 Bengali Holocaust (1942-1945)……....23

Chapter 4: American Empire (1776-)………………………………....37

Chapter 5: US state terrorism & 9-11 (2001-)………………………...49

Chapter 6: Afghan Holocaust & Afghan Genocide (2001-)…………..61

Chapter 7: Iraqi Holocaust & Iraqi Genocide (1990-2011)…………...73

Chapter 8: Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide (2001-)………….85

Chapter 9: Libyan Genocide (2011-)…………………………………107

Chapter 10: Iranian Holocaust & Iranian Genocide (1978-)…………120

Chapter 11: Iraqi Genocide resumed (2012-)………………………...139

Chapter 12: Syrian Holocaust & Syrian Genocide (2012-)…………..153

Chapter 13: Somali Holocaust & Somali Genocide (1992-)…………187

Chapter 14: Yemeni Genocide (2015-)……………………………….199

Chapter 15: Opiate Holocaust (2001-)…………………………….….215

Chapter 16: Palestinian Genocide (1916-)……………………………231

Chapter 17: Indian Avoidable Mortality Holocaust (1757-)…………257

Chapter 18: Rohingya Genocide (2016-)………………………….….269

Chapter 19: Air pollution deaths…………………………………..….287

Chapter 20: American Holocaust…………………………………..…301

Chapter 21: Climate Genocide & War on Terra……………………...315

Chapter 22: War on Truth……………………………………….........333


This appalling catalogue of human suffering and premature death in the 21st century Muslim Holocaust and Muslim Genocide should be considered in the context of atrocities in the 20th century and earlier. Deaths in holocausts, genocides and famines and deriving from actual violence or from imposed deprivation are given in brackets as follows for the following alphabetically listed atrocities:

1978-1997 Afghan Genocide and Afghan Holocaust (6 million),

2001 onwards Afghan Genocide and Afghan Holocaust (7 million),

15th – 19th century African Holocaust (slave trade; 6 million),

16th century onwards Amerindian Genocide, American Holocaust (90 million),

19th century Argentinian Indian Genocide (1 million),

1915-1923 Armenian Genocide (1.5 million),

post-1950 Asian Holocaust due to Australia-complicit US Asian Wars (40 million),

1914-1924 Assyrian Genocide (Syriac Genocide; 0.2-0.3 million),

1788 onwards Australian Aboriginal Genocide and Aboriginal Ethnocide (2 million),

1769-1770, Bengal Famine (10 million),

1942-1945 WW2 Bengali Holocaust, WW2 Bengal Famine and WW2 Indian Holocaust (6-7 million),

1971-1972 Bengali Holocaust and gendercide (3.0 million),

1967-1970, Biafran Genocide (2 million),

1990s Bosnian Genocide (circa 0.1 million),

20th century Brazilian Indigenous Genocide (1 million),

1969-1998 Cambodian Genocide (6.0 million),

19th century Chinese Holocaust (Opium wars and Tai Ping rebellion; 20-100 million),

1937-1945 WW2 Chinese Holocaust (35 million),

1958-1961 Chinese Holocaust of the Great Leap Forward (20-30 million),

19th -20th century Congo Genocide (Belgian Congo) (10 million),

1960 onwards Congolese Genocide and Congolese Holocaust (20 million),

1984-1985 Ethiopian famine (1 million),

1939-1945 WW2 European Holocaust (30 million Slavs, Jews and Roma killed),

1941-1950 German Genocide and German Holocaust (9 million),

Post-1950 Global Avoidable Mortality Holocaust (1,500 million since 1950),

1960-1996, Guatemala Mayan Indian Genocide (1.9 million),

1757-1947 Indian Holocaust from famine and deprivation (1,800 million),

1947 Indian Holocaust due to Partition (1.0 million), 1918-1920 Influenza epidemic (50-100 million),

1917-1919 Iranian Famine (2 million),

1978 onwards Iranian Holocaust and Iranian Genocide (3 million),

2003-2011 21st century Iraqi Genocide and Iraqi Holocaust (2.7 million),

1990-2011 Iraqi Genocide and Iraqi Holocaust (4.6 million), 1914-2011 Iraqi Genocide and Iraqi Holocaust (9 million),

1939-1945 WW2 Jewish Holocaust, Shoa (5-6 million),

1950-1953 Korean Genocide and Korean Holocaust (5.2 million),

1840s Irish Famine (2 million),

1955-1975 Laotian Genocide (1.2 million),

2011 Libyan Genocide (0.2 million),

19th century Maori Genocide in New Zealand (0.2 million),

2000 onwards 21st century Muslim Genocide and Muslim Holocaust (32 million),

1900s Namibian Genocide (0.1 million),

17th – 19th century North American Indian Genocide (up to 18 million),

1916 onwards Palestinian Genocide and Palestinian Holocaust (2.2 million),

1865-1870 Paraguay Genocide (1 million)

1939-1945 WW2 Polish Genocide and Polish Holocaust (6 million),

21st century Rohingya Genocide (circa 0.1 million),

1921-1922 Russian famine, Povolzhye famine (5 million),

1930-1953 Russian Holocaust under Stalin (3 million),

1994 Rwandan Genocide (0.9 million),

1992 onwards Somali Genocide and Somali Holocaust (2.2 million),

19th century South Pacific Genocide via disease (0.1 million),

1930-1953 Soviet Holocaust of purges under Stalin (10 million),

1941-1945 WW2 Nazi Germany-imposed Soviet Holocaust (25 million),

1955-2018 Sudan Genocide and Sudan Holocaust (13 million),

2011 onwards Syrian Genocide (1.0 million),

1990-2018 Tamil Genocide in Sri Lanka (0.2 million),

1975-1999 East Timorese Genocide (0.3 million),

1930s Ukrainian Famine, Holodomor (7 million),

1945-1975 Vietnamese Genocide and Vietnamese Holocaust (15.3 million),

2015 onwards Yemeni Genocide (circa 0.1 million)

(my sincere apologies for any absences or underestimates).