Writing Instruction

Writing Instruction for High School and College Writers

Weekly sessions guide writers through topics that will give them greater control of their writing process and their written pieces. Work is shared electronically, with assignments due two days before each meeting and returned assessed prior to the meeting. School assignments can be addressed also. $45-60 per hour.

Topics include:

-how to use a brainstorm to effectively begin your writing;

-outlining: the key to strong writing;

-building strong paragraphs through sentence diversity;

-introductions that compel attention and conclusions that suggest new conversations;

-editing for clarity of voice;

-integrating quotations into your paragraphs;

-writing for varied audiences.

Group Writing Instruction for High School Writers

Working remotely with groups of 3 or more, we will cover a different topic every 4 weeks. Each 1 hour weekly writing workshop costs $20 per student per session. Individual instructional sessions can piggyback on these by arrangement. Peer editing will be incorporated at times and school assignments can be assessed and/or workshopped.