
Thank you for visiting my site.  It offers a glimpse into the research I do and the people I have the privilege to work with.  Robert 

lots of open books

My name is Robert McMurray.  I am Professor of Organisation Studies & Associate Dean for Education at Sheffield University Management School, UK.   Prior to this I was Academic Director/Dean at  RCSI Graduate School of Healthcare Management in Ireland, and Deputy Dean at the University of York Management School, UK (where I have a visiting position). I've worked in higher education as researcher and lecturer for over 30 years.  I have a passion for understanding the lives of others, particularly as it relates to practices of leading, managing and working.  I am really interested in how people cope with difficult jobs, and how we might make their task better (so that they can make life better for all of us).  I'm not just an academic.  I surf, cycle, enjoy wine and cooking (perhaps a little too much) and street photography.  This site is mostly about my research, writing and consulting.  If you'd like to get in touch you can email me at r.m.mcmurray@sheffield.ac.uk




typewriter on a wooden table

Women Writers in Organisation & Management

The first series of books to have been produced on the women who have shaped organisation and management as a field.  An important and ground breaking series offering new insights from authors around the globe (RFWWOS).   Available in hardback or ebook in the usual places, I highly recommend it (I know I am biased) if you want to think about organising and managing differently.

If you want to contribute to the series then please do get in touch.