Home Page

Welcome to my home page. I am an associate professor of operations management and sustainability at KEDGE Business School.

In brief

My primary research interest is pricing, considering dynamic contexts and psychological elements (dynamic and behavioral pricing). I am also interested in demand paradox, such as the negative price-quality relationship and the Veblen effect (positive price-demand relationship violating the Law of Demand). I also investigate related topics such as operations/marketing interface and behavioral operations/economics. Recently, I am interested in sustainable operations and circular economics. I teach operations management, sustainable supply-chain, and managerial economics.

Research interests

Operations management, managerial economics, operations/marketing interface, sustainability and green economics

Current positions

KEDGE Business School



KEDGE Business School

Office A314

Rue Antoine Bourdelle

Domaine de Luminy BP 921

13288 Marseille Cedex 9 - France


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