
Abstracts booklet, incl maps etc.(you'll get a printed copy at the workshop)

Informal get together: Wednesday from 20:00, Cafe de Pintelier, map

Thursday, March 19, 2015

9:00 coffee/registration

9:30--10:00 Emar Maier & Jennifer Spenader: Redrawing Pragmasemantic Borders

10:00--10:35 Todor Koev -- "On Appositive Projection and Its Exceptions"

10.35--11.10 James Griffiths -- "Appositives, two-utterance monologues, and different types of meaning"


11:30--12:05 Tamás Káldi -- "The exhaustive interpretation of the Hungarian pre-verbal focus: entailment or implicature?"

12:05--12:40 Xavier Villalba -- "Cancelling and projecting in exclamatives: levels of meaning under experimental study"


13:45--14:20 Rob van der Sandt -- "Presuppositional strategies"

14:20--14:55 Chris Cummins and Patricia Amaral -- "(Re)drawing the boundaries among presupposition triggers"

14:55--15:30 Noortje Venhuizen, Johan Bos, Petra Hendriks and Harm Brouwer -- "Differentiating projection phenomena in a unified semantic framework"


15:55--16:30 Gabor Alberti and Judit Kleiber -- "The Pragmasemantic Pie as is Cut in ReALIS (The Intensional Profiles of Hungarian Imperative Sentence Types)"

16:30 -- 17:30 Keynote: Judith Tonhauser -- "Variable at-issueness"

19:00 conference dinner

Friday, March 20, 2015

9:30--10:30 Keynote: Hans-Martin Gärtner -- "Varieties of Root Infinitivals and the Grammar-Discourse Interface"

break (featuring a partial solar eclipse!)

11:00--11:35 Jirka Maršík and Maxime Amblard -- "Pragmatic Side Effects"

11:35--12:10 Janneke van Wijnbergen-Huitink -- "Conditionals and inferred connections"

12:10--12:45 Henk Zeevat -- "Causal and Identity Inferences block Presupposition Projection"


13:45--14:20 Ann Reed -- "Weak Definites are strong enough"

14:20--14:55 Eric Acton -- "Non-entailed content -- A socio-pragmatic framework"

14:55 -- 16:15 lightning talks + poster session (+ drinks)

  • Shinobu Mizuguchi -- "Contextual Domain Restriction in Classifier Languages"
  • Andrea Nadalini, Luisa Lugli and Malvina Nissim -- "Word knowledge- and lexical-based inferences: the case of bridging anaphora"
  • Livio Robaldo, Jakub Szymanik and Ben Meijering -- "An experimental study of the pragmatic influence on the interpretation of multi-quantifier sentences"
    • Franziska Köder -- "The effect of discourse context on children’s processing of pronouns in direct and indirect speech"

16.15--17.15 Keynote: Craige Roberts -- "The Character of Epistemic Modality: Evidential, indexical, (not) at issue"