Education and professional experience

I have an academic age (post PhD) of 7.2 years.

since 10/2014 100% parental and sick leave of 43 months (01/2024)

since 03/2021 Adjunct Professor     Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Dalhousie University (Canada)

since 02/2019 Researcher Lantmäteriet (Gävle, Sweden)

09/2018 - 12/2018 Researcher Lantmäteriet (Gävle, Sweden)

10/2015 - 07/2018 Postdoctoral researcher Department of Earth Sciences (Uppsala University, Sweden)

05/2013 - 09/2014 Researcher Department of Earth Sciences (Uppsala University, Sweden)

05/2010 - 04/2013 PhD student (Geoscience) Department of Geoscience (University of Calgary, Canada)

Thesis title: "The influence of glacial isostatic adjustment on intraplate seismicity in northeastern Canada"

(Supervisors: Dr. David W. Eaton, Dr. Patrick Wu)

09/2009 - 04/2010 PhD student (Geomatics) Department of Geomatics Engineering (University of Calgary, Canada)

10/2004 - 08/2009 Diplom student (Geoscience) Institute for Geosciences, Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Germany)

Thesis title: "Gravimetric analysis in the Tien Shan and in the seismically active region around Almaty (Kazakhstan)" (in German)

(Supervisors: Dr. Gerhard Jentzsch, Dr. Marco Naujoks)

Research grants

I have been awarded with two large project grants, which have supported my past and current employment positions. In addition, I have been a collaborator for several additional project grants.

2019 - 2024 Ice-sheet mass changes on Greenland revisited: Usage of a new glacial isostatic adjustment model

Rymdstyrelsen (Swedish National Space Agency)

PI: 4.262 MSEK awarded (~415,000 €) (3.168 MSEK used)

2018 - 2021 Arctic ULINNIQ - Underwater Listening Network for Novel Investigations of Quakes

MEOPAR (Marine Environmental Observation Prediction and Response) Network

Collaborator - C$ 399,000 (~260,000 €); PI: Mladen Nedimovic

2017- 2019 Earthquake biases in measurements of Antarctica’s sea-level contribution

Australian Research Council - Discovery Projects

Collaborator - A$439,500 (~280,000 €); PI: Matt King

2015 - 2018 Glacially Induced Earthquakes In Greenland

AXA Junior Research Fellow

PI: 120,000 €

2013 Glacially induced earthquakes in Fennoscandia and Greenland: Advancing our understanding by integrating detailed lithospheric structure data and fault

      mechanics in glacial isostatic adjustment models

Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowships

PI: No financial support available but a score of more than 86 was obtained


I have received several scholarships for my PhD work at the University of Calgary (in total: 33,820 €). Furthermore, I have been awarded with a research grant from the Crafoord foundation (Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences) in 2018. 

2018 Studies of earthquakes in and around Greenland due to the melting ice sheets

Crafoord Research Grant from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

PI: 30,000 SEK (~3000 €)

2012 The influence of glacial isostatic adjustment on intraplate seismicity in northeastern Canada

University of Calgary Ruby Doctoral Scholarship

PI: C$ 16,000 (~12,450 €)

2012 The influence of glacial isostatic adjustment on intraplate seismicity in northeastern Canada

Graduate Research Scholarship of the Department of Geoscience (University of Calgary)

PI: C$ 4000 (~3100 €)

2012 Incorporation of faults and lateral density-changes in the crust in glacial-isostatic-adjustment models

Student Research Award from the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences (IAMG)

PI: US$ 1000 (~780 €)

2011 The influence of glacial isostatic adjustment on intraplate seismicity in northeastern Canada

Faculty of Graduate Studies Doctoral Scholarship (University of Calgary)

PI: C$ 10,000 (~7250 €)

2011 The influence of glacial isostatic adjustment on intraplate seismicity in northeastern Canada

Graduate Research Scholarship of the Department of Geoscience (University of Calgary)

PI: C$ 4000 (~2900 €)

2010 The influence of glacial isostatic adjustment on intraplate seismicity in northeastern Canada

Graduate Research Scholarship of the Department of Geoscience (University of Calgary)

PI: C$ 4000 (~2950 €)

2010 Faculty of Graduate Studies Award 2010 from the Department of Geomatics Engineering

PI: C$ 1000 (~730 €)

2009 - 2010 Research Grant for specializing in Energy and Environment at the University of Calgary

PI: C$ 5000 (~3660 €)


I have received several grants and awards to support conference travels during my career (in total: ~6,600 €). Furthermore, I have been awarded with the Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award from the European Geosciences Union in 2023 and the Bernd-Rendel Prize from the German Research Foundation (DFG) in 2010. The prizes at the University of Calgary have been also awarded to me based on my PhD thesis as well as my contribution to the student society. In addition, I have received several awards for my scientific presentations. A detailed list of my awards is below (major awards are marked in bold).

2023 Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award from the Geodesy division (EGU, European Geosciences Union)

2022 AGU Outstanding Reviewer Award

2022 Travel grant from INQUA, PAGES and EOS  to attend the PALSEA 2022 meeting in Singapore - ~1600 €

2019 Travel grant from the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics to attend the IUGG Meeting in July 2019, Montreal - C$810 (~550 €)

2018 Travel grant from the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat to attend the workshop “Way Forward: Knowledge Gaps in Nordic Arctic Research” in May 2018, Helsinki - 400 €

2018 Travel grant from the Swedish National Space Board to attend the General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union in April 2018, Vienna - 14,000 SEK (~1500 €)

2017 Travel award to attend the 1st circular Workshop on Glacial Isostatic Adjustment and Elastic Deformation by SCAR (sub-group SCERCE) - US$600 (~500 €)

2014 Outstanding PhD thesis award 2013 from the Department of Geoscience (University of Calgary)

2013 Contribution-to-Graduate-Student-Life award from the Department of Geoscience (University of Calgary) - C$50 (~36 €)

2013 Keith Runcorn Travel Award for Non-Europeans (KRTA) from the European Geosciences Union (EGU) - 440 €

2013 PDG (Professional Development Grant) Winter 2013 from the GSA  (Graduate Student Association) of the University of Calgary - C$500 (~365 €)

2012 Geodesy Student Presentation/Paper Award 2012 at the CWRA/CGU National Conference for an oral presentation (provided by Natural Resources Canada) - C$500 (~390 €)

2012 Conference Travel Grant from the Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU) to attend the CWRA/CGU National Conference 2012 - C$100 (~80 €)

2012 ESA (European Space Agency) Sponsorship for the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012 - 340 €

2012 Keith Runcorn Travel Award for Non-Europeans (KRTA) from the European Geosciences Union (EGU) - 440 €

2011 PDG (Professional Development Grant) Fall 2011 from the GSA (Graduate Student Association) of the University of Calgary - C$500 (~360 €)

2011 Graduate Conference Travel Grant 2011 from University of Calgary Research Grants - C$1000 (~725 €)

2011 APCG (Academic Project Conference Grant) Winter 2011 from the GSA (Graduate Student Association) of the University of Calgary - C$500 (~360 €)

2010 Bernd Rendel Prize 2010 from the German Research Foundation (DFG) - 2000 €

2010 Travel Grant of the International Association of Geodesy for 2nd International Symposium of the International Gravity Field Service, Fairbanks, USA - US$1100 (~830 €)

2010 EGU Young Scientists Outstanding Poster Paper (YSOPP) Award 2010 in the Seismology division - US$1800 (~1360 €)

2010 APCG (Academic Project Conference Grant) Winter 2010 from the GSA (Graduate Student Association) of the University of Calgary - C$500 (~366 €)

2010 Keith Runcorn Travel Award for Non-Europeans (KRTA) from the European Geosciences Union (EGU) -538 €

2004 German Physical Society award in Physics for best high-school graduate

Other activities

since 2023 Member of the organisation committee of a GIA workshop in Canada (2025)

since 2023 IAG (International Association of Geodesy) Commission 3 president

since 2023 Member of the IAG (International Association of Geodesy) Executive Committee

since 2023 Member of the GGOS (Global Geodetic Observing System) Governing Board

since 2023 Chair of the Taskforce to increase inclusion, diversity and equality within IAG (International Association of Geodesy)

since 2023 Member of the IAG QuGe project Steering Committee

since 2023 Co-Chair of the Joint Study Group "Model representation and geodetic signature of solid-Earth rheology in surface loading problems" within the International Association of Geodesy (IAG)

since 2023 Science Officer within the Geodesy Division of the European Geosciences Union (EGU)

since 2022 Organiser (initiator) of the Geodesy 101 Short Course at the EGU General Assembly 2022

since 2019 Science Team Member of the “Drilling Active Faults in Northern Europe” (DAFNE) project of the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP)

since 2013 Invited reviewer: Nature Geoscience, Journal of Geophysical Research, Tectonics, Journal of Geodesy, Geophysical Journal International, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (G3), International Journal of Earth Sciences, Tectonophysics, Journal of Structural Geology, Geoscientific Model Development, Computer & Geosciences, Pure and Applied Geophysics, GFF, Remote Sensing, Journal of Geodynamics, International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Journal of South American Earth Sciences, Polar Science, Open Geosciences, Geoscience Frontiers, The Scientific World Journal

since 2013 Judge of student presentations at EGU General Assemblies and AGU Fall Meetings

since 2011 Convener and organiser of several sessions at scientific meetings (EGU General Assemblies, AGU Fall Meetings, IUGG General     Assembly, IAG Scientific Assembly, CGU General Assembly)

2022 - 2023 Member of the organisation committee of the INSTANT-POLENET GIA Training School in Gävle (Sweden) in July 2023

2022 - 2023 Early Career Scientist (ECS) Co-Representative of the Geodesy Division (EGU, European Geosciences Union)

managing of the EGU Geodesy blog (writing and editing); organising sessions, short courses and networking events at the EGU General Assembly; organising networking events throughout the year; co-managing the EGU Geodesy Twitter account

2021 - 2022 Early Career Scientist (ECS) Representative of the Geodesy Division (EGU, European Geosciences Union)

managing of the EGU Geodesy blog (writing and editing); attending regular meetings with other ECS representatives; organising sessions, short courses and networking events at the EGU General Assembly; organising networking events throughout the year; propose changes to the EGU council; co-managing the EGU Geodesy Twitter account

2019 - 2023 Chair of the IAG Joint Study Group JSG 3.1 "Geodetic, Seismic and Geodynamic Constraints on Glacial Isostatic Adjustment"

2018 - 2019 Organisation committee of the SERCE-POLENET GIA Training School in Gävle (Sweden) in August 2019

05/2018 Attended the workshop “Way Forward: Knowledge Gaps in Nordic Arctic Research” by the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat, NordForsk and the Government Offices of Sweden (by invitation only)

02/2018 External reviewer in PhD examination committee, KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden

12/2011 - 04/2013 Member of the organizing committee of GeoREx (Geoscience Research Exchange, which gives graduate student the possibility to present their 

research) at the Department of Geoscience (University of Calgary)

09/2011 - 04/2013 Member of the organizing committee of FATS (Friday Afternoon Talk Series) at the Department of Geoscience (University of Calgary)

10/2007 - 09/2008 Elected member at the University of Jena Student Representation fo Earth Sciences (Chair)

10/2007 - 12/2008 Committee member for study reform of Earth Sciences at the University of Jena 

10/2007 - 09/2009 Elected student member of the University of Jena School of Chemical and Earth Sciences Council

10/2005 - 09/2006 Committee member for study reform of Earth Sciences at the University of Jena

06/2005 - 09/2006 Member at the University of Jena Student Representation fo Earth Sciences

2011 - 2017 Certified field hockey umpire for indoor field hockey

2017 - 2019 Board member of HULK - Hela Uppsalas Landhockeyklubb

Outreach activities

Outreach is an important part of scientific dissemination activities. I’m an editor of the EGU Geodesy blog and have contributed to several blog articles about Geodesy. I was also the project manager for German within Native Scientist. Within this role I organized workshops at Swedish high schools for German classes. For this I invited German speaking scientists based in Sweden to present their research in German to the class. Native Scientist enables students to meet real scientist and to apply their language skills in a new setting. This gave me also the possibility to talk about my own research to German classes at Swedish high schools. I was also interviewed by the BBC Radio about my research. Below is a detailed list of my outreach activities.

since 2021 Editor of the EGU Geodesy Blog

since 2021 Member of various EGU ECS Working Groups (e.g., "Life-Career Wellness", "Life-Work-Balance", "Awards & Medals")

since 2021 Contributed to several articles for EGU blogs (EGU Geodesy Blog, EGU Cryosphere Blog, EGU GeoLog)

since 2021 Several presentation about my research at a high school in Halmstad (Sweden) (in German)

09/2021 Interview with BBC Radio

06/2021 Organisation of a German “Native Scientist” workshop at a high school in Halmstad (Sweden)

2017 - 2023 Project manager for German for Native Scientist in Sweden

10/2017 Outreach activity at the Goethe Institut Stockholm (talking about postglacial landuplift and earthquakes in German with high-school students,

which are learning German); part of the "Native Scientist" activity

2010, 2011 Judge at the Calgary Youth Science Fair

2007 Organization of the General Assembly of the German Student Network for Geology at the University of Jena