
With publics, policy, religious groups, and the voluntary sector

2019 Invited article ‘Using Science to Study Religion’, published online in Harvard Science, Religion, and Culture's magazine Cosmologics, Winter 2019

February 2018 Blog post 'Sous les pavés, la plage!' invited for the Social Science Research Council's Immanent Frame site.

April 2017 Blog post 'Science and religion conflict for non-religious Britons and Canadians' invited for the Nonreligion and Secularity Research Network.

July 2014 Member of judging panel for Coventry Community Cohesion Awards organised by the Coventry Partnership & Coventry Ethnic Minority Action Partnership.

June 2014 3FF 'Lunch and Learn' session, London

March 2014 Feedback workshop for participants and local community on draft report from the Interfaith Dialogue in Coventry Project, Spirituality and Faith Centre, Coventry University.

Feb 2014 One of AHRC early career researchers selected and funded to attend course 'Engaging with Government' run by the Institute for Government, London.

December 2013 Invited contribution to Public Policy Exchange Community Cohesion and Social Inclusion event panel, London.

November 2013 Invited contribution to Bristol University's Thinking Futures Festival panel 'Faith & Governance: why local context matters' at The Watershed.

June 2013 Part of research and evaluation team at the 2nd World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue, Baku. Read more here.

May 2013 Invited paper 'Research on religion and public policy' presented at AHRC research network event 'The Humanities and Lived Religion', Liverpool, then summary posted on network website.

April 2013 Invited to present paper 'Youth Integration' at European Commission-sponsored event 'Cultural Identity: the Role of Religion in Europe', alongside Hungary's Minister of State for Church, Civil Society and Nationality, the Director of the Church and Society Commission and Associate General Secretary of the Conference of European Churches, and the Diocesan Bishop for Szeged-Csanad, among others, Szeged

April 2013 Workshop facilitator at Religious Literacy Leadership Programme's dialogues on religion and belief for the Equality and Human Rights Commission and the Government Equalities Office closing conference, London

February 2013 Invited to be ‘Thought-provoker: the real religious landscape’ for the Equality and Human Rights Commission, Religious Literacy Leadership in Higher Education project and Co-Exist Foundation Dialogue I: Religion and Belief in the Public Sphere, London. Download the paper here.

Co-organiser with Linda Woodhead, Charles Clarke (former UK Home Secretary and Secretary of State for Education) and think tank Theos of the Westminster Faith Debates 2012 running February – May 2012, Whitehall

April 2012 Organiser of workshop 'Non-Religious Identities in Policy and Practice’ at Senate House, London, co-funded by the Jacobs Foundation and Religion Society Programme, bringing together people from the third sector, media and academia.

March 2011 Lecture to Christians in Partnership about ‘Religion and Equality’ as part of their Lenten lecture series, Clitheroe

March 2009 – February 2010 Work on ‘Religion or belief’ consultation for the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) including presentation at an EHRC internal feedback seminar and writing with Linda Woodhead policy report (see publications).

June 2009 Reflector for Edinburgh 2010’s Commission VII: Christian Communities in Contemporary Contexts’ international conference, Edinburgh


2021 Interviewed for Kent State’s TV2 about the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’s pronouncement on same-sex unions

2021 Interviewed for Kent Wired article ‘How professors have adjusted to COVID-19 a year into the pandemic’

December 2016 Quoted in 'Au Royaume-Uni, Noël fait débat', Tristan de Bourbon, La Croix, Tuesday 15th.

April 2015 Interview for BBC Coventry & Warwickshire's 'The Paul Franks Show' about Michael Gove's Spectator piece 'In defence of Christianity'.

August 2014 Interview for documentary 'Google: How to Kill God'

January 2014 Interview about the Sunday Assembly for French Catholic daily newspaper La Croix.

September 2013 Brief interview for Coventry Talking Newspaper about local interfaith event

November 2012 Interviewed by students for Lancaster University student radio for inter-faith week

August 2012 Interviewed for Danish newspaper Kristeligt Dagblad about new WIN Gallup international survey on religiousness

July 2012 cited in Ruth Gledhill’s write up in The Times of the final Westminster Faith Debate 2012 with Tony Blair and Rowan Williams

February 2012 Interviewed about atheism in the UK for the BBC World Service’s Voice of Russia

April 2011 Commissioned to write with Janet Eccles a piece for The Guardian Online Comment is Free Belief on young people and atheism

April 2011 Acknowledged second in credits with Linda Woodhead on BBC One programme 'Does Christianity have a future?'

February 2011 Interviewed on BBC Radio Lancashire’s ‘Faith’ programme about young people and atheism