Further Extensions

1. VaR bounds for portfolios in the presence of dependence information

The Rearrangement Algorithm (RA) makes it possible to obtain approximations for sharp VaR upper and lower bounds of portfolios in which the marginal distributions are known but not their interdependence (unconstrained bounds); see [1]. The gap between the upper and lower VaR bound is typically very high and can only be reduced by using dependence information. The following directions to incorporate dependence information, and to get approximations for constrained VaR bounds have been recently explored:

2. Improvements of the RA

The RA operates on d*n matrix and amounts to rearranging (swapping) values within the n columns such that one gets a minimum maximal row sum (or maximum minimal row sum). i.e., the d row sums are as constant as possible. To achieve this objective, the RA puts the elements in a given column in opposite order of the values that are obtained by taking the sum of all other other columns. This is repeated until all columns are oppositely ordered to the sum of all others.  


[1] Embrechts, P., Puccetti, G. and L. Rüschendorf (2013). Model uncertainty and VaR aggregation. J. Bank. Financ., 37(8), 2750-2764. paper - post-print (updated) version

[2] Bernard, C. and S. Vanduffel (2014). A New Approach to Assessing Model Risk in High Dimensions. J. Bank. Financ., 58, September 2015, 166-178. paper

[3] Bernard, C., L. Rüschendorf and S. Vanduffel (2013). Value-at-Risk bounds with variance constraints, Forthcoming in Journal of Risk and Insurance,preprint

[4] Bernard, C., Rüschendorf, L., Vanduffel, S. and J. Yao  (2014). How Robust is the Value-at-Riskof Credit Risk Portfolios? European Journal of Finance, 23(6), 507-534. preprint

[5] Embrechts, P. and Puccetti, G., (2009). Bounds for the sum of dependent risks having overlapping marginals. Journal of Multivariate Analysis.,  101(1), 177–190.  paper

[6] Bernard, C. and D. Mc Leish (2016). Algorithms for Finding Copulas Minimizing Convex Functions of Sums, Asia Pac. J. Oper. Res., 33. 

[7] Lee, W., and J. Y. Ahn (2014). On the multidimensional extension of countermonotonicity and its applications. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 56, 68–79. paper

[8] Puccetti, G., and R. Wang (2014). General extremal dependence concepts. Statistical Science 30(4), 485-517. 

[9] Hofert, M., Memartoluie, A., Saunders, D. and T. Wirjanto. Improved Algorithms for Computing Worst Value-at-Risk: Numerical Challenges and the Adaptive Rearrangement Algorithm. Forthcoming in Statistics and Risk Modeling. preprint

[10] Puccetti, G., Rüschendorf, L., Small, D. and S. Vanduffel (2015). Reduction of Value-at-Risk bounds via independence and variance information, Forthcoming in Scandinavian Actuarial Journal,preprint

[11] Boudt, K., Jakobsons, E. and S. Vanduffel (2015). Block Rearranging Elements within Matrix Columns to Minimize the Variability of the Row Sums, Forthcoming in 4OR - a quarterly journal of operations research, preprint