Reading Emotions Symposium

19-20 June 2017

University of Reading

Emotion, Action and Belief

Theory, Experiment and Clinical Implications


The symposium will address the construct of belief, and its relationship to emotion and behaviour. We will consider the nature of human and animal belief, from an experimental, theoretical and philosophical angle. We will examine the putative neurobiological constituents of belief, and their importance in understanding, treating and preventing pathology of thought and behaviour.

We will explore three complementary perspectives:

1. Descriptive - what is it to hold a belief?

2. Functional - what do beliefs do for us?

3. Mechanistic - how do beliefs emerge from cognition and brain function?


The symposium is designed to bring together people interested in the neuroscientific, developmental, clinical and/or philosophical examination of belief and related concepts, such as knowledge, inference, biases, and decision-making. Of particular interest are: the experimental and analytical methods relevant to the study of these concepts; the clinical manifestation of varied belief states; the inter-dependence between beliefs and behaviour.

Director of Research, Physiology and Pathophysiology of Executive Functions

CNRS and University of Bordeaux

Assistant Professor in Psychiatry

Yale School of Medicine

Professor of Philosophy

Open University and University of Crete

Wellcome Principal Research Fellow and Scientific Director

Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, UCL

Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

University of Reading

Lecturer in Psychology

University of Westminster

Professor of Architecture

University of Westminster

Lecturer in Philosophy

University of Birmingham

Dr Konstantinos Tsetsos

Marie Curie Fellow

UKE Hamburg

Associate Professor in Cognitive Neurobiology

University of Reading

Image credit:
"If these wings should fail me" by
Beth Carter
with thanks to the artist for permission
