
Research Interests

computational modelling and advanced numerical methods for engineering and applied sciences.

  • Phase-field modeling of fracture mechanics in thin-shells

  • Thin-shell flexoelectric metamaterials

  • Automatic data-driven collective variables identification

  • Biomechanics and multiscale mechanobiological modeling of cerebral arteries

  • Cerebral aneurysm morphometry, biomechanics descriptors and rupture risk assessment

  • Multiscale modeling and simulation of ultrasonic analysis for additive manufacturing enhancement

Previous topics

Point-set manifold processing for computational mechanics

In many applications, one would like to perform calculations on smooth manifolds of small dimension d embedded in a high-dimensional space of dimension D. Often, a continuous description of such manifold is not known, and instead it is sampled by a set of scattered points in high dimensions. This poses a serious challenge. We approximate the point-set manifold as an overlapping set of smooth parametric descriptions, whose geometric structure is revealed by statistical learning methods, and then parametrized by meshfree methods. This approach avoids any global parameterization, and hence is applicable to manifolds of any genus and complex geometry. It combines four ingredients:

  1. partitioning of the point set into subregions of trivial topology,

  2. the automatic detection of the local geometric structure of the manifold by nonlinear dimensionality reduction techniques,

  3. the local parameterization of the manifold using smooth meshfree (here local maximum-entropy) approximants, and

  4. patching together the local representations by means of a partition of unity.