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Rodrigo Borges de Faveri


Welcome to Rodrigo Borges de Faveri's Website

Some relevant links

-- International Association for the Study of Controversies (IASC)

-- My webblog about history and philosophy of linguistics, theory of controversies, argumentation, and pragmatics (in Portuguese)

-- My translation into Portuguese (with Onice Flores) of Dascal & Dror (2005) "The impact of cognitive technologies: Towards a pragmatic approach".

-- My review comparing two translations, into Portuguese, of "Questions Concerning Certain Faculties Claimed for Man" by Charles Peirce (in Portuguese).

-- An article (with Juliana Steil) on the semiotic interpretation of E. E. Cummings poetry (in Portuguese).

-- A literary review of Carlos Heitor Cony's "O Adiantado da Hora" (in Portuguese).

-- Translation of an interview with Gideon Toury (by Daniel Simeoni†) (2011) in Scientia Traductionis.

Who am I

I live in Bagé, on the southernmost Brazilian border (sixty kilometers from the border with Uruguay), and I am 49 years old. Life to me seems to pass kind of slowly, and maybe it is because of that that I am not in a hurry. Or is it the other way around? I mean, I am not in a hurry because things seem to pass kind of slowly, is it?

My recent academic activity

-- Ph.D. in Linguistics at Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR)/Brazil, 2006-2011. Research Project in History and Philosophy of Linguistics (Dissertation Supervisor Professor José Borges Neto).

-- Visiting Ph.D. student at Tel Aviv University (TAU)/Israel, 2007-2008 (CAPES scholarship grant). Under the supervision of Professor Marcelo Dascal.



-- I have just coordinated a whole week study group (September 21st to 25th) about the relationship between the Theory of Controversies and Philosophy of Linguistics for graduate students at the UFPR.

-- On October 16th I participated in the "Semana de Teses da UFPR" (a week of presentations with the students of the Graduate Program in Linguistics and Literature, where they present and debate their ongoing research). I presented and debated a large summary of my dissertation in Philosophy of Linguistics and the Theory of Controversies.

-- I have attended a four days colloquium (October 19th to 22nd) "Argumentation and Pragmatics" at Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS). During the days of the event I had the opportunity to meet and work again with Professor Marcelo Dascal who presented a conference on the relationship between the theory of controversies and the pragma-dialectical approach to the study of argumentation. I also met Professor Anna Carolina Regner with whom I had the opportunity to have good conversations on argumentation and philosophy of science. During the event I met many colleagues working on the framework of the Theory of Controversies.



-- Besides preparing the qualifying version of my dissertation...

-- I am preparing a course on the translation of English/Portuguese to be presented to undergraduated students during the first twoo weeks of next February. Here you can follow the activities of the course (in Portuguese):

-- The translation of The Shaolin Monastery: History, religion and the Chinese martial arts (by Meir Shahar, Tel Aviv University) is about to appear in Portuguese by Editora Perspectiva. The book was translated by Rodrigo Wolff Apolloni and myself.

- The book has just been published as "O Mosteiro de Shaolin: História, religião e as artes marciais chinesas".

-- Translating Anthony Pym. Exploring Translation Theories. Routledge, 2010. To appear through Editora Perspectiva.

-- The second edition of the course on the theory and practice of translation will start on August, 1st and will go until August, 10th. See the wiki for the first edition (above) while the new edition is being prepared.



Other professional activities

-- Accepted as assistant professor to the English Department at Universidade Federal do Pampa - UniPampa, to begin in february/2011.

-- Book review editor for Pragmatics & Cognition journal ( John Benjamins Publishing Company ).

-- Tranlasting Marcelo Dascal's (1983) Pragmatics and Philosophy of Mind, vol. 1 into Portuguese.

[Finished. To appear through Editora da Universidade Federal do Paraná - EdUFPR]

Subject areas of interest

Future projects



(c) 2019 - Rodrigo Borges de Faveri