Misc Commands




To check CPU utilisation

# ps -eo pcpu,pid,user,args | sort -k 1 -r | head -10


scp/ssh to another host without being prompted for key verifications

scp -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ConnectTimeout=10

Iinux_su_root.sh $j:/tmp/


tar cBf - <jobdirname>_xfer /opt/krb5lbin/rsh -x -I root webhost24 “cd /tmp && tar xBf -“


tar command to find and comress files and directories having specific name - in this case "nagios"

tar -cvf  /tmp/nagios3files/nagiosorigfiles.tar `find . -name *nagios*`


CPAN howtos


How to install perl module

perl -MCPAN -e 'install Chocolate::Belgian'

Command to check which perl modules are installed.

perldoc perllocal

perl -e ‘print “@INC”'

check perl modules path

peridoc -| <modulename>


cURL examples:


curl --insecure -d "username=ravimane&password=b1osroot&unique_device_id=mvelopes&app_id=VITT92pCkljlhJ3q0m68" https://my.mvelopes.com/mv-web/api/authenticate

wget --no-check-certificate --post-data="username=ravimane&password=b1osroot&unique_device_id=mvelopes&app_id=VITT92pCkljlhJ3q0m68" https://my.mvelopes-dev.com/mv-web/api/authenticate


curl --header Authorization:DCLTVxJnu2AO6MY5kaZb --insecure https://my.mvelopes.com/mv-web/api/account?accountid=3703119

Get only retrun HTTP Code

curl  -w %{http_code} -s http://{URL} -o /dev/null


Awk misc:

$ cat /etc/passwdawk -F: ‘{print $1 ,$NF}’

root /bin/bash

bin /sbin/nologin

daemon /sbin/nologin

adm /sbin/nologin

Ip /sbin/nologin

To have better formatting

$ cat !etc/passwdtawk -F: ‘{printf “%-lOs %s\nH,$1,$NF)I

root /bin/bash

bin /sbin/nologin

daemon /sbin/nologin

adm /sbin/nologin

Ip /sbin/nologin


find * xfer -name *-xfer|xargs grep -i <string>

find - -exec grep -| “SEARCH” {} \; | xargs -p perl -pi -e ‘s/SEARCH/REPLACE/g’

fgrep -IR cvtp * |xargs pen -pi -e “s/cvtp/cvts/g”

Isof -i -

find /local/0 -type f-size + 100000k -exec ls -lh \; to search files consuming more than

100MB space.


fgrep-xvf file1 file2

diplays the lines of file2 which are not present in file1.

fgrep -xf file 1 file2

displays the lines which are present in both files



for ((i=1; i < ${j}; ++i));do echo $i;done

for ((i=1; j <= ${j}; ++i));do head -${i)/var/tmp/sysmgt/netdev_200312|tail -1;done


Enable core dumps

in /etc/security/Iimits.conf

* soft core unlimited

In /etc/profile (Redhat)

# No core files by default

# ulimit -S -c 0 > /dev/null 2>&1 (uncomment it to enable core dumps)

In /etc/init.dl/functions (Redhat)

# make sure it doesn’t core dump anywhere unless requested

# ulimit -S -c ${DAEMON_COREFJLE._LIMIT:-0} >/dev/null 2>&1 (uncommet this)

* Location of core files

in /etc/sysctl.conf add below

kernel.core_pattern = /local/0/cores/core.UID-%u.PID-%p

* Check core file limit

#ulimit -a

* how to read core dump file

$strings <core dump file>


$gdb <core dump file>


View the output of Top command of remote machine

ssh host10402 top -bn1


Take thread dump

host10402:/opt/beawls/11g/wlserver_10.3/server/bin$. ./setWLSEnv.sh

java weblogic.Admin -url t3://host20848-i2.mydomain.com:8000 -username weblogic -

password ------- THREAD_DUMP


setup java heap memory dump

-XX: + HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/opt/logroot/jboss-vap


Beajrockit additional JVM options

For verbose output: -Xgc:parallel -Xverbose:gc,cpuinfo, memory

For heap memory dump: -Djrockit.oomdiagnosticstrue -



SUN JDK JVM options

For verbose: XX:+ PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps

For heap memory dump: -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -

XX: HeapDumpPath=/opt//instances/tlm/production/protected/logs


tcpdump host ‘(bchost1 or bchost2 or bchost3)’


search and add string at particular place in file.


>cat testsed



>sed -i ‘s/user/user\nbsinha/I’ testsed - \n stands for new line charecter.

>cat testsed






-bash-3.OO$ cat test

| userl | email1 | edl1 | svc1 |

| user2 | email2 | ed|2 | svc2 |


-bash-3.OO$ pen -pi -e “s/^DEV/User1\nDEV/g” test

-bash-3.OO$ cat test

| userl | email1 | edl1 | svc1 |

| user2 | email2 | ed|2 | svc2 |




>cat testsed




>sed -i 's/^"/\/32,,tcp,8080 \\\n10.1.16.41\/32,,tcp,8080 \\\n10.1.16.42\/32,,tcp,8080 \\\n"/' testsed

>cat testsed


ip2,,tcp,8080 \,,tcp,8080 \



sed 's/.*/&User1/*readme


sed 's/\(.*\)/\1<\User1/* readme

This aapends word “User1” at end of each line in readme file


$sed -i ‘1i\

User1’ README.User1test.integration

Inserts User1 at the top of tile called “README.Userltest.integration”


$cat netdevices.txt




$sed ‘s/^.//g’ netdevices.txt




“.“deletes first character ie. blank char in this case



diff text3 text4|egrep “<|>"sed -e ‘s/^..//g’

Displays the fields which are not common in both files text3 and text4

diff text1 text2legrep “<" - displays the fields of text1 which is not there in text2



send email with diferent id

echo “Test”|mail -s “test” biswajit.sinha@mydomain.com -- -f User1@mydomain.com


for i in ‘cat dmzhosts’; do ssh root@$i ‘echo “y"|yum install httpd-2.2.3-31.e15_4.2.x86_64;

echo “y"|yum install compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-61’; done


http://solariswebfarm.mydomain .com/TXPO/?_WebLogicBridgeConfig


http://hostl 0401.mydomain.com/server-status


ypcat -k automount.src | grep pgp - to view the mount point for pgp

ypcat -k group|grep webtech - to view the members of group webtech

time curl http://-smpl-int-jb.mydomain.com/SMPL/jsp/test_delay.jsp?delaysecs= 1

time curl http://-smpl-int-jb.mydomain.com/SMPL/jsp/testdelay.jsp?delaysecs=90

perl -e ‘print “@INC”'- view installed perl modules


Download file through curl

curl -v -x applicationwebproxy.mydomain.com:8O -u <username>:<password> -c - -o



CVS commands






        cvs -d $CVSROOT checkout $CVSMODULE/$CVSFILE

        cvs -d $CVSROOT commit -m “$DATE: commiting $CVSFILE” $CVSMODULE

        cvs -d $CVSROOT -Q release -d $CVSMODULE



user@host10401 :—/temp$ sed -i -e ‘/=lb-nsam-integration/a \worker.lb-nsam-

integration.reference=worker.basic’ workers.properties.integration

# This will search for line containing “=lb-nsam-integration” in the file

“workersproperties.integration” and insert line “worker.lb-nsam-

integration.reference=worker.basic” below that line

$for i in ‘cat workerslist’; do sed -i -e “/worker.list=$i/ a\worker.$i.reference=worker.baSiC”

workers. properties. integration ;done

#Above command takes the the word in “workerslist” file one by one and then search the line

containg taht word in workers.propertieS.integration and then put the line “worker.<word

taken>.referenceworker.baSic” just below that line


to change Console prompt on linux: in .bashrc --> PSl=”<’hostname’-$LOGNAME:\$PWD>


vi .cshrc


setenv SHELL ‘/bin/ksh’


PS1 =‘\[\e]1;$UNAME\a\e]2;${PWD}\a\


[\u@$UNAME \w] \


fgrep -IR {cvtp} * |xargs perl -pi~ e ‘s/{cvtp}/cvts/'

##########How to find smtp server in network###########3

C:\Documents and Settings\8user>nslookup

Default Server DNS7.dornain.com


> set type=mx

> set timeout=20

> mydomain.com

Server DNS7.domain.com


mydomain.com        MX preference =    10, mail exchanger = ncjewriter2.uk.mydomain.com

mydomain.com        MX preference =    10, mail exchanger = ncjewniter3.uk.mydomain.com

mydomain.com        MX preference =    10, mail exchanger = nc_rewriter4.uk.mydomain.com

mydomain.com        MX preference =    10, mail exchanger = nc_rewriter5.uk.mydomaincom

mydomain.com        MX preference =    10, mail exchanger = njmailroutenlo.us.mydomain.com

mydomain.com        MX preference =    10, mail exchanger = nymailrouterlo.us.mydomain.com

mydomain.com        MX preference =    10, mail exchanger = nc_rewritenl .uk.mydomain.com


#tar ---.tar.bz2 {dir/files to bzip}

curl -v http://internal.mydomain.com - for verbose o/p

curl -l http://internal.mydomain.com - to get header info.

curl -x mbbluecoat01:80 -v http://internal.mydomain.com - access link through proxy server.

sysdef - Gives current shared mem settings on solaris host

for i in `find . -name instance-config`; do grep $i; done

find “${PGPDIR}/bin/${JOB_NAME}”|xargs perl -pi -e “s#sourcepath=#source


for i in 5200421 5190421; do ./deploy -u user -p mydomainl23 -a “$i” —servers “host10381

host10382 host10383 hostlO384 host20326 host20327 host20328 host20329” --core lab;


Resatrt autofs:

[root@hostl 0674 —]# ps -ef |grep -i auto

root 3151 3125 0 06:52 pts/1 00:00:00 grep -i auto

[root@hostl 0674 ~]# /etc/init.d/autofs restart

Stopping automount: [ OK ]

Starting automount:  [OK ]

$dig +identify prod.eu-gen2.gslb.mydomain.com

dig +short +identify int.eu-gen1 .gslb.mydomaincom

curl -iv http://internalws.mydomain.com/MWEB/EU/process/ -u user

if [$1 == “int”] || [$1 == “uat”] || [$1 == “prd”]

while true: do dig @hostu20006 nfsglobal-1 .gbll .gslb.domain.com +short; sleep 1; done

@hostu20006 - name of the name server (DNS server)

nfsglobal-1 .gbll .gslb.domain.com - name to be resolved

for i in ‘cat intservers’;do /management.sh --query --report-instance-usage --instance mt —

server $i;done |tee intservers_usage

ypcat -k automount.src | grep pgp


SVN Commands

1. checkout the svri code:

/optlsvn/1 .5.6/bin/svn checkout

http://tksvng .domain .com/S VG/repos/mydomain Now/trunk/portat-infrastructure/nnconfgenl

2. To add new tiles: Go to the dir where new files resides.

/opt/svn/1.5.6/bin/svri add INT.host*

3. To commit:

Go the hoe of svn repo.

bash-3.00$ pwd



/optisvnhl .5.6/bin/svn commit -m “Added config files for web servers in tdc2" etc/webintranet


svn checkout

svn status --show-updates

svn add

svn commit

svn duff -r 1:2 <file name>



To enter in WLST shell:

WL_HOME=”/opt/beawls/11g/wlserver_1 0.3”

user@hostl 0401 :/opt/linstances/bis-11g/integration/domain$ . setDomainEnv.sh

user@hostl 0401 :/optl/instances/bis-1 1 g/integration/domain$ /opt/beajrockit/jrockitj

jdkl .6.0_14/bin/java weblogic.WLST

wls:/offline> connect("weblogic”,”vYXoQMZ2”, “t3://hostl 0404.mydomain.com:8520”)

Connecting to t3://hostlO4O4.mydomain.com:8520 with userid weblogic

Successfully connected to managed Server ‘wlsi’ that begs to domain ‘bis-l ig-integration’.

Warning: An insecure protocol was used to connect to the

server. To ensure on-the-wire security, the SSL port or

Admin port should be used instead.



script To find process id of the process listenign on particular port on Solaris box


# Get the process which listens on port

# $1 is the port we are looking for

if [ $# -It 1]


echo “Please provide a port number parameter for this script”

echo “e.g. $0 22”



echo “Greping for your port, please be patient (CTRL+C breaks)...”

for i in ‘ls /proc’


pfiles $i | grep AF_INET | grep $1

if[$?-eq 0 ]


echo ls owned by pid $i




When to use double pipe (||) and &&

If the exit status of the first command is not 0, then execute the second command.

It’s the opposite of ‘&&‘, where the second command is executed only if the exit status of the

preceding command is 0.

For example:


$ Is this_fiIe_does_not_exist.txt II echo OK

Is: cannot access this_filejloes_not_exist.txt: No such file or directory


$ Is this_file_exist.txt && echo OK




“logname” or “who am i” gives you the original user of multiple sudo sessions


for i in ‘ls -1 /opt//share/-repository/instancest/integration/protected/instance-config’;do echo

—e “######################################################\n”;echo —e “$i\n”;cat $iiegrep

“httplunix_adminuser|owner_email |owner_edl”| grep -v https;done

for i in Is -1 /opt//share/-repository/instances/*/integration/protected/instanceconfig ;do echo

—e “######################################################\n’;echo Domain=’echo $i|awk —F/

‘{print $7}” ;cat $i|egrep “http|unix_adminuser|owner_email|owner_edl”|grep -v https;done

for i in ‘Is -1 /opt//share/-repository/instances/*/integrationlprotected/instance-config’;do echo

—e “#######################################################\n”;echo Domain ‘echo $i|awk —F/ {print $7}”;cat $ilegrep

“http|unix_adminuser|owner_email |owner_edl” |grep -v https;done|awk ‘{print $2}’|sed -e


then in vi do - %jj%s/#/^M#/g|g/^$/d


I have one file with below content.

$cat file1
















There are 5 lines after every “#“ charecter. I want teh content of every line to be placed

horizontally after #.

The file should look like the one below.

$cat file2

#web1 id1 user1 edl1

# web2 id2 user2 edl2

# web3 id3 user3 edI3

Answer:-) -


awk ‘NR> I && /#/{$0 = “\n”$0}1’ ORS=”" file


$cat file1

| weblogic | bakejo | user1@example.com | user1@example.com |

managed_server_host10404.example.com_1_hostl 0404.example.com:8380 |

managed_server_host2O491 .example.com_2_host2O49l .example.com:8380 |

| webiogic | bakejo | user1@example.com | userl@example.com | hostl0404.example.com |

host2O49l.example.com |

I want to replace a pattern starting with managed and ending with second .com (for example

“managed_server_host2O49l .example.com_2_host2O49 I .example.com”) with only


i.e. final output should look like this

$cat fuel

| weblogic | bakejo | user1example.com | userl@example.com | managed:8380 |

managed:8380 |

| weblogic | bakejo | userl@example.com | userlexample.com | hostlO4O4.example.com |

host2O49l .example.com |


sed 's/managed_server_.*_2_.*\.com/mamaged/g' file1



I tried to fetch the exception count under INFO level sections in log file. In below example mvapp04.log is the file containing few excerpts from mvapp04.

 awk '/INFO/ { count[++n]=0 } ; /Exception/ { count[n]++ } ; END{ for (i in count){ printf "section %d has %d exceptions\n",i,count[i] } }' /home/rmane/temp/mvapp04.log |grep -v "0 exceptions"|awk '{sum+=$4} END {print sum}'


It is giving total number of Exception count under only INFO sections.


On windows machine how to find Domain Controller

echo %logonserver%


Perl for loop

for ( $i = 1; $i < 5 $i++) {

print “loop $i\n”;



Cut command

$ cat /tmp/netwin_devices

1 ,muwinc12-fwerol 1”63 24.80.253,Switch,other,Prod,lN-Networks-

Support,domain.com, India

2,muwincl 2-fwer0l rbi, ,Router,other,Prod, IN-NetworksS


we need all fields from 2nd

user@hostl 0401 :/home/autoproxy$ cat /tmp/netwin_devices |cut -d, -f2-

muwinc12-fwero 1,163.1 24.80.253,Switch ,other,Prod ,IN-NetworksS

Support,domain.com, India

muwinci 2-fwerol rbi, ,Router,other,Prod, IN-NetworksS

Support,domain.com, India


Wc -l equivalent in DOS:

findstr /R /N “^” file.txt | find /C “:“

ovownodeutil -list_nodes -group_path \OS_WIN -recursive|findstr /R /N “^"|find /C “:“


for loop in DOS

for %i in (hosti host2) do ovownodeutil -delete_node -node_name %i


run command in telnet from the shell

#(sleep 2;echo “scout_version”;sleep 2) | telnet tkpvcOluxO8gcd 9876


I have below content in file:


$cat daemmoninver

Iinuxdaemon-hostopswprodOOS daemon ready

soldaemon-hostdvc0l uxo4fid daemon ready


soldaemon-hostpvcOl uxi Opt daemon ready


linuxdaemon-hostopswprod0O6 daemon ready

linuxdaemon-hostopswprodO07 daemon ready

linuxdaemon-hostopswprodO08 daemon ready

linuxdaemon-hostopswprodOO9 daemon ready

linuxdaemon-hostlxdbu2pora0-m daemon ready

linuxdaemon-hostlxecomdev050 daemon ready


hostpvmc02lx004apex daemon ready


Iinuxdaemon-hostdvmOl 1x0311 daemon ready


I want to extract only those lines which are followed with the line having numbers(versions)

i.e. 3.127,1.207

output should be:


soldaemon-hostdvc0l uxO4fid daemon ready


soldaemon-hostpvcOl uxi Opt daemon ready



soldaemon-hostdvcOl uxO4fid daemon ready

soldaemon-hostpvcOl uxi Opt daemon ready

linuxdaemon-hostlxeconidevO5O daemon ready

+fid-rtb-uny-rate-prd-jatk-hostpvmcO2lxOO4apex daemon ready

linuxdaemon-hostdvmOl lx031l daemon ready


If the values are 3.127 & 1.207, the command will be


egrep -w ‘3.127|1.207’ daemmoninver -B1

If the values are different, the command will be


grep ^[0123457891 daemmoninver -B1


Command line short cuts

<Command line - input>

Home or Ctrl + a

Move the cursor to the beginning of the current line.


Move the cursor to the end of the current line.

Alt + b

Move the cursor to the beginning of the current or previous word. Note that while this works

in virtual terminals, it may not work in all graphical terminal emulators, because many

graphical applications already use this as a menu shortcut by default.

Alt + f

Move the cursor to the end of the next word. Again, like with all shortcuts that use Alt as the

modifier, this may not work in all graphical terminal emulators.


Autocomplete commands and file names. Type the first letter(s) of a command, directory or

file name, press Tab and the rest is completed automatically! If there are more commands

starting with the same letters, the shell completes as much as it can and beeps. If you then

press Tab again, it shows you all the alternatives.

This shortcut is really h&pful and saves a lot of typing! It even works at the lilo prompt and in

some X applications.

CtrI + u

Erase the current line.

Ctrl + k

Delete the line from the position of the cursor to the end of the line.

Ctrl + w

Delete the word before the cursor.


Miscelleneous awk example

forj in $i;do echo $j,$(echo version|nc -w 10 $j 9876|sed ‘/^$/d’|awk ‘NR> I && /+/{$0 =

“\n"$0}2’ ORS=” “|grep scout|sed “s/+//g"|sed “s/ scout ready /,/g”);done


Check if root access on remote unix machine

for j in $i;do echo $j,$(ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $j

“uname -s 2> /dev/null);done


$cat Unknown_Unix_23-05-201 2.out


vmOl7IxO2at scout ready



coluxo8gcd scout ready


and required output is

dvmol7lxo2at scout ready 1.207

c0lux08gcd scout ready 3.127

Use below

$cat UnknownUnix_23-05-201 2.outgrep -v "-----------------------------------

“|awk ‘NR> 1 && /+/{$O = “\n”$O}1’ ORS="”


Wc -l equivalent in DOS:

findstr /R IN ‘^” file.txt | find /C “:‘

ovownodeutil -list_nodes -group_path \OS_WIN -recursive|findstr /R/N "^"|find /C ‘:“


for loop

for %i in (hosti host2) do ovownodeutil -delete_node -node_name %i


Query to get all team members’ contact ids and email id’s if we have team name

select t.team_short,t.team_id,ct.contact_id,cd.data from team t, contact_team ct,

contact_detail cd where t.team_short in (‘teamname’) and t.team_id=ct.team_id and

ct.contact_id=cd.contact_id and cd.type=’EMAIL’ order by t.team_short



WL questions:

1. What is machine?

2. One managed server is not getting added in cluster. What could be issue?

3. SSL exception error. Whats that?

4. Different modes of deployment?

5. What is routing in weblogic. There are 2 managed servers . weblogic is runnig on


6. How to analyse thread dumps?



1. What is the default HTTP Port?

2. What is the difference between production mode and development mode?

3. What is weblogic domain and what are the different servers?

4. How do you find the version of WL Server?

5. What is the default Weblogic Admin console port number?

6. Which of the following statements is NOT True?

a) Managed Servers in a Domain must wn the same version of Weblogic Server

b) A Domain comprises only the Admin Server, only the Managed Server, or the

Administration and Managed Servers

c) The Admin Server stores the configuration information and logs for a domain

d) The Admin Server in a domain must run the same or higher version of WLS as the MS

in the domain.

7. Which of the following statements is NOT Twe?

a) There can be multiple clusters in a domain

b) All the servers in a cluster must be at the same version level

c) All the server in a cluster must also be in the same domain

d) A cluster can span multiple domains.

8. The Admin Console is unavailable if the Admin Server is Shut Down.


9. Which of the following statement is true?

a) There is one Node Manager for each Machine

b) There is one Node Manager for each Domain

c) There is one Node Manager for each Cluster

10. Oracle Weblogic Server 10.3 is certified with JDK 1.6?


11. Net installer is preferred over the package installer if you want to install select

components using only the custom option and have access to the Internet.


12. How do you set up class path?

13. How to start Web logic Admin Server?

14. How many ways you can install weblogic?

15. How many domains you can create?

16. What webtogic utils contains?

17. Can we disable admin console?

18. Difference between Weblogic server and Web server?

19. What happens when we give www.abc.com in URL (what is process)?

20. Is Managed server can be restarted independently when admin is down?

21. What is the difference between JNDI & JDBC?

22. Difference between versions 8.X, 9.X, I 0.X?

23. What is the Connection Pool? How to create a Connection Pool?

24. What is Domain? How many domains are possible in a single instance?

25. What is DataSource? How can it is associated with connection pools?

26. Are WebLogic Servers password secure?

27. Do you require JDKIJRE for installing a WL Domain?

28. What is the basic requirement for starting a WebLogic server?

29. What is the major difference between Managed Server and Admin Server?

30. When starting the managed server it is coming to admin state. Click on resume button in

admin Console, so that is coming to running state. How to resolve this problem for ever so

that the server will come directly to running state instead of going to admin state?

31. In which filelscript we need to change the heap size? What is the variable name to

search to change the heap size

32. Where can we set Classpath, which will reflect to whole domain?

33. What is MSI mode?

34. How to find the heap memory of Managed Sewer?

35. What happen if we deploy our component in weblogic server? What are the States?

36. What is WLS T3 protocol?

37. What is Node Manager and why it is required?

38. How would you check the weblogic instance whether the server is started or not?

39. Specify some important jar files in the weblogic server

40. How does the WLST communicate with WLS to retrieve and update resources on a

running server?


1. I-low to know the Managed Servers status, when admin console is not available?

2. What is the performance issue in weblogic and how can you resolve, explain in brief?

3. What is the Digital Certificate? How do we generate a Digital Certificate?

4. What is Thread Dump? What is the UNiX command to take Thread Dumps?

5. What is a cluster? What is High Availability and Fail over?

6. How to handle out of memory in weblogic and if sewer is getting more requests then

what we have to do in production environment?

7. What is clustering? How do weblogic instances communicate in a clustered

environment? In a cluster, if one of the servers has an issue and it is not accessible, will the

other servers know about it and how?

8. What are the roles you have played and what are the day today activities?


10. How to integrate apache webserver with weblogic server? What is the purpose of

integrating both?

11. Define the different groups of Users?

12. What are the different thread queues?

13. How will you analyze if a page responds slowly?

14. What is Work manager? Explain briefly?

15. What are the different types of drivers?

16. What are the various types of log files?

17. What are you commonly used fine tuning commands?

18. What is Session replication? What are the different types of Session Replications?

19. What happens if we change config.xml while server is running?

20. What is HTTP tunneling?

21. What is asynchronous communication? Is there any synchronous communication in


22. How to find Weblogic Version?

23. What is the use of log4j?

24. What is Work manager?

25. What is virtual host?

26. What is eden size and perm size?

27. What is Weblogic shrink?

28. What is duff b/w JNDI and JDBC?

29. What are the different types of drivers?

30. What driver you are using?

31. What is duff b/w unicast and multicast?

32. When core dump will not be created even if the server crashed?

33. Can we change the heart beat interval?

34. What are the various types of log files?

35. What is WorkManager?

36. What is Multicast 1P Address? What are the things done by it? How to

test multicast I P?

37. How to check whether the cluster multicast adress is available or not?

What is the command to check in UNIX environment?

38. What is Virtual Host in Weblogic, how to create it & what is the


39. How can you find the jdbc version on server side?

40. What you do to close the connections automatically in JDBC?

41. What are the things that we take care under Database fine tuning apart

from increasing or decreasing connections?

42. What is MBean, how many types are there?

43. How to restart proxy?

44. Reasons for server crash?

45. Reasons for servers hang?

46. What is the thread hogging?

47. Various garbage collection algorithms?

48. How to find whether the PORT No is free or not?

49. What is the command to find CPU utilization?

50. What is the command to find version of Unix?

51. How to find CPU utilization? What if top command doesn’t work?

52. What are you commonly used fine tuning commands?

53. What is the difference between webservers and Proxy server?

54. How to sort the files?

55. What is Session replication? What are the different types of Session Replications?

56. Which IP segment will you use for Multicasting?

57. Is it possible to manage multiple domains through a single weblogic

admin console?

58. What happens if we change config.xml while server is running?


1. What is domain in WLS? how to create a domain in WLS?

2. What is CONFIGXML?

3. What is cluster and how to create a cluster in WLS? how to configure cluster in

webserver I PROXY ? tell complete configuration?

4. What kind of PROXY u are using in your project?

5. What is SSL and how to provide security ? what is certificate?

6. What is one way SSL and two way ssl?

7. How to generate certificates ? where you can store certificates?

8. What is THREAD DUMP , why thread dump is necessary in which scenario we will be

taking thread dump?

9. How do u take thread dump?

10. What is performance tuning ? how do u tune the performance step by step procedure?

ANS : tell from OS Lever to Our Application Level

11. What is HEAP and how to increase it?

12. What is 0CM problem I memory leak, how to overcome this problem?

13. Complete trouble shooting steps?

14. How to provide the security in proxy?

15. Can you create Admin Server and managed servers in a single machine?

16. Project architecture ? which architecture you are using ? (DMZ)

17. Which JVM you used?

18. What is HS_ERR_PID<>.log

19. What is server log?

20. How to provide JDBC log?

21. How view log files in linux?

22. Recovering admin password?

23. How to open a file in UNIX?

24. What certificate chaining?

25. Session stickness?

26. What is the use of multi cast ID?

27. What will be there in Access Log?

28. What is the use of boot.properties file?

29. JMS?

30. Connection pooling and how to create connection pool?

31. Which performance tool you are using for monitoring the performance WLS?

32. How to verify the network performance in any OS?

33. Application is working but the DB is not supporting what kind of exception u will get?

34. How to deploy an application through command line?

35. How to check CPU utilization in UNIX ?(top)

36. How to check the disk space in UNIX ? (df —k)

37. What is node manager and what is use of it?

38. What is garbage collection?

39. What are the variables of the HEAP SIZE?

40. What is head and tail command?

41, What is Certificate Signature Request?

42. What is the default port of the node manager?

43. How do u find the port number is used by some the other server?

44. What are the deployment stages?

45. tesstart command?

46. what is the role of JNDI?

47. what is difference static and dynamic deployment?

48. how do u know which thread is executing and how much time it will take?

49. How do u give the prevalization to users and groups in UNIX?


50. Un Rewriting in weblogic?

51. What is VMSTAT command in sun Solaris?

52. How do you find port numbers in Linux?

53. What is the use of netstat command?

54. Daily activities?

55. How do u monitoring the Cpu Utilization?(top or sar)

Ans: # sar -u 12 5 Where,-u 12 5: Comparison of CPU utilization; 12 seconds apart; 5 time

57. How the sar command shows the out put?

58. Questions on SSL(Corriplete)?

59. Did u attend any calls with u r clients?

60. What are Handling Disaster Recovery and Failover activities?

61. What are the things you did if the database server fails?

62. From where you are getting the trail certificates?

63. How much size you for the key generation?

64. HOW we configure SSL in proxy?

65. How we view the log files?

66. Which tool you are using for building an application?

67. What is your admin level? (L2)

68. Can we create two admin servers in a single domain?

69. What are the disadvantages of connection pooling?

70. Could you explain folder structure in bea?

71. How can we verify file size in Linux?(du —sh)

72. Why connection pooling?

73. What are the difference between authentication and authorization?

74. What are the role, user and principle?

75. Why clustering in weblogic?

76. Did you prepare any documentation as solved the any problem?

77. If you don’t have any work what can you do at that time?


78. How many machines are using in your project?

79. Can you explain your project flow? How it takes requests and give response to the


80. How to generate jdbc log files?

81. If config.xml file is lost at runtime what is the solution to run the application successfully?

82. Explain different deployment stages in weblogic?