

  1. "Does an Informal Input Sector Make the Output Market More Competitive?," (with Prasun Bhattacharjee and Biswajit Mandal), Accepted for publication at Indian Economic Review

  2. "Public Expenditure Allocation, Lobbying, and Productivity Growth," Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2022.

[Pre-publication version] [Online Appendix ]

  1. "Productivity Growth and Welfare in a Model of Allocative Inefficiencies," (with Richard Cothren), Journal of Economics, 2018.

[Pre-publication version]

  1. "Trade and Growth in a Model of Allocative Inefficiencies," (with Richard Cothren), B.E Journal of Macroeconomics, 2017.

[Pre-publication version]

Work in Progress and Papers Under Review:

  1. Resource Misallocation, Trade Openness, and Economic Growth," (with Richard Cothren)

Working Papers:

  1. "Patent Buyouts in a Model of Endogenous Growth," (Economics Discussion Papers, No 2016-51, Kiel Institute for the World Economy.

  2. Endogenous IPR protection expenditure and Economic growth