
Recent Discussions

  • Discussion of Five Papers, Conference of Diversity and Inclusion in Economics, Finance, and Central Banking, November 2021 [slides]

  • Discussion of Silva, Sousa, Packard, and Robertson, "Employment in Crisis", LACEA, October 2021 [slides]

  • Discussion of Guvenen, Kaplan, and Song, "The Glass Ceiling and The Paper Floor: Gender Differences among Top Earners, 1981-2012", 35th Annual Conference on Macroeconomics, NBER, April 2020 [slides]

  • Discussion of Hospido, Laeven, and Lamo, "The Gender Promotion Gap: Evidence from Central Banking", Gender and Career Progression, European Central Bank, Frankfurt, October 2019 [slides]

  • Discussion of Fukui, Nakamura, and Steinsson, "Women, Wealth Effects, and Slow Recoveries", NBER Economic Fluctuations and Growth Research Meeting, July 2019 [slides]

  • Discussion of Pastor and Veronesi, "Inequality Aversion, Populism, and the Backlash Against Globalization", NBER Political Economy, April 2019 [slides]

  • Discussion of Enke, "Kinship Systems, Cooperation, and the Evolution of Culture", Economics of Culture and Institutions, NBER, April 2018 [slides]

  • Discussion of La Mattina and Shemyakina, "Domestic Violence and Childhood Exposure to Armed Conflict”, AEA, January 2018 [slides]

Older Discussions

  • Discussion of Alesina, Reich, and Riboni, "Nation-Building, Nationalism, and Wars", Political Economy Program Meeting, NBER, November 2017 [slides]

  • Discussion of Campante and Chor, "Just do your Job", Economics of Culture and Institutions, NBER, April 2017 [slides]

  • Discussion of "The Role of Social Networks in the Targeting of Violence: Labor Repression during Argentina’s Last Dictatorship", 2nd Workshop on Political Economy, EIEF, July 2016 [slides]

  • Discussion of Grosjean and Khattar, "It’s Raining Men! Halleluljah?", NBER Summer Institute, July 2014 [slides]

  • Discussion of Aguiar and Amador, "Taking the Short Route", INET conf. on Macroeconomic Externalities, Dec. 2013 [slides]

  • Discussion of Levine and Rubinstein, "Liberty for More", CATO Conf. , June 2013 [slides]

  • Discussion of Burdett, Dong, Sun, and Wright, "Marriage, Markets, and Money", Becker-Friedman Conference, Chicago, Oct. 2012 [slides]

  • Discussion of Hseih, Hurst, Jones, and Klenow, "The Allocation of Talent and US Economic Growth", EFG Meeting, NY Fed, Oct. 2012 [slides]

  • Discussion of Albanesi and Sahin, "The Unemployment Gender Gap", New York/Philadelphia Quantitative Macro Workshop, May 2012 [slides]