FAQ Rapidleech

General Questions

What is Rapidleech?

Rapid Leech is a free server transfer script for use on various popular upload/download sites such as megaupload.com, Rapidshare.com and more than 45 others. The famous Rapidleech script transfers files from Rapidshare, Megaupload, Depositfiles.com, Easy-share.com, etc, via your fast servers connection speed and dumps the file on your server. You may then download these files from your server anytime later.

How do I use Rapidleech?

To use Rapidleech, you will need a web hosting which supports PHP. There are also minimum requirement for the configuration of PHP, this includes safe_mode turned off, fsockopen is allowed and upload_max_filesize above 100M. You can also run Rapidleech on your local Windows computer, by install XAMPP.

What are Rapidleech's requirements?

See the requirements here.

What's with all the different Rapidleech versions?

Well, there is eqbal's plugmod, TheOnly's Mod and some other user contributed mods. But the main version is eqbal's plugmod. TheOnly's Mod extends the capability of Rapidleech suitable for public environment. If you're looking to host a public Rapidleech, you might be looking for this version. Besides, there is also a nightly build which contains latest fix and features in the trunk. It is quite unstable and meant for developers only.

Installation Questions

Where do I get the latest version of Rapidleech?

You can download the latest version of Rapidleech here: http://code.google.com/p/rapidleech/downloads/list Be careful not to download the nightly versions! They are unstable and are meant for developers only.

How do I chmod a folder to 777?

Well it depend on the ftp software you are using. For most of them , just right-click on the file[example index.php] Click on button set attribute or change permission, Then write 777 in the display box or by clicking on all the radio button. That's all. Sometimes, it might be that you have reached rapidshare limit. In that case, try looking here: http://www.rapidleech.com/index.php?showtopic=3228

Rapidleech Errors

Cannot find premium cookie

The plugin must be outdated, download the latest here: http://code.google.com/p/rapidleech/source/list and put them into the appropriate hosts/folder

Error getting access code

Ensure that your files/ folder is chmod to 777, otherwise download the latest here: http://code.google.com/p/rapidleech/source/list and extract them into the appropriate hosts/ folder

Error open socket [rapidshare.com:80] or Error open socket [upload.com:80]

Your host doesn't support Rapidleech, find another.

Wrong counter

The plugin must be outdated, download the latest here: http://code.google.com/p/rapidleech/source/list and extract them into the appropriate hosts/ folder

Error getting available server's list

The plugin must be outdated, download the latest here: http://code.google.com/p/rapidleech/source/list and extract them into the appropriate hosts/ folder

Error getting access image url

The plugin must be outdated, download the latest here: http://code.google.com/p/rapidleech/source/list and extract them into the appropriate hosts/ folder

My download stops and then said "Do you want to resume" so when I click it then it says your server dosn't support resume, what's wrong?

Your host has a small script executing time and since you do not have a premium account, once the download has stopped, it is impossible to resume...

Progress bar is not seen while server is downloading

If you enable zlib compression and output buffering, you wont' see the progress bar. Turn it off at php.ini if you have access or just enter the following into .htaccess:

php_flag output_buffering off

php_value zlib.output_compression 0

php_value zlib.output_compression_level -1

If that does not solve your problem, add the following line to .htaccess (only seems to work for mod-php5:

SetEnvIf Request_URI "^/*\.php$" no-gzip

If you are using PHP in FastCGI or mod_fcgid the above methods are unlikely to work anyway. However with FastCGI there is the -flush option to force-flush output, which can only be configured in the fastcgi.conf or appropriate configuration depending on your host OS, see http://www.docunext.com/blog/2007/09/php-fastcgi-buffer-annoyances.html

Couldn't connect to at port 80

This has been explained many times but I understand it can be hard to find on the forum. Apache has a 'maxclients' setting, see http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mpm_common.html#maxclients. If you are sharing your Rapidleech with many people, then you are probably reaching this limit, and as a result you or some other users will receive the 'couldn't connect to' error. If you are sure not that many people are using the server and you are still receiving the error, then it's Rapidshare blocking it. See "RapidShare blocked malicious third party programs" under http://rapidshare.com/news.html. It's also possible that the plugin must be outdated, download the latest here: http://code.google.com/p/rapidleech/source/list and extract them into the appropriate hosts/ folder

Couldn't connect to rapidshare.com at port 80

If you bump into this problem after downloading files from rapidshare, download new plugins from here: http://code.google.com/p/rapidleech/source/list and extract them into the appropriate hosts/ folder Otherwise your host might not support Rapidleech.

My transfer hangs in the middle! It's always at XX MB!

Check if you have safe_mode on, then have a look upload_max_filesize, if the value is same as the size your file stops downloading, your host does not support Rapidleech.

The previous question is incorrect! My file stops randomly around XX% to XX%!

Well, this is another situation. Try to have a look over here: http://www.rapidleech.com/index.php?showtopic=3586

When I transload files, they complete fine, but they are not appearing in the files list!

You might not have chmod your configs/files.lst or configs/ to 777.

Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated

This has been fixed in rev. 41.

For previous versions, edit index.php. Find:

$file = getftpurl($_GET["host"], $ftp["port"] ? $ftp["port"] : 21, $_GET["path"], &$pathWithName);

Change to:

$file = getftpurl($_GET["host"], $ftp["port"] ? $ftp["port"] : 21, $_GET["path"], $pathWithName);


$file = geturl($_GET["host"], $_GET["port"], $_GET["path"], $_GET["referer"], $_GET["cookie"], $_GET["post"], &$pathWithName, $_GET["proxy"], $pauth, $auth, $ftp["scheme"]);

Change to:

$file = geturl($_GET["host"], $_GET["port"], $_GET["path"], $_GET["referer"], $_GET["cookie"], $_GET["post"], $pathWithName, $_GET["proxy"], $pauth, $auth, $ftp["scheme"]);

Rapidleech Questions

How to setup password on rapidleech?

    1. Open config.php using notepad (or Any ASCII editor).
    2. Find
      1. $login = false;
    3. change to:
      1. $login = true;
    4. Find
      1. $users = array('admin' => 'admin', 'test' => 'test');
    5. set
      1. $users = array('user1' => 'pass1', 'user2' => 'pass2');
    6. where user1 means your Username and pass1 means your Password. Change them as you like. Save the file and upload it to the web server. Now it will ask for user name and password every time the page is opened.

How do I split files on Rapidleech and join them after I have downloaded to my PC?

Say you have a file on webserver. [aa.avi] You splitted it using rapidleech split option in suppose 2 parts. You will get 3 files

aa.001 aa.002 aa.crc

Download all these files to your PC and put them in 1 folder

Download the software: http://www.freebyte.com/hjsplit/

Run the software select the .crc or .001 file and click join.

How to download files from a FTP site which requires a username and password and cannot b logged in as anonymous using Rapidleech?

In the download box type:


Can Rapidleech download torrent files?

No, and we will never support downloading torrent files unless PHP supports it natively.

Is it possible to transfer files from IRC to your server using Rapidleech?

No, Rapidleech won't be supporting it either.

Does Rapidleech support rar and unrar?

Not currently, we might in the future. You can also have a look at this: http://www.rapidleech.com/index.php?showtopic=3200

How to use premium accounts in Rapidleech?

To use premium account, edit configs/config.php

If you have a rapidshare.com account, edit this line:

//$premium_acc["rs_com"] = array('user' => 'your username', 'pass' => 'your password'); # Remove '//' from the beginning and enter your username and password for rapidshare.com premium account

Enter your username and password between the (Don't remove them!), then don't forget to remove the '//' at the beginning of the line!

How to set a custom filename prefix or suffix for all downloaded files?

Simply open up the config.php and edit the values under the ### Auto-Rename ### section.

How to use a proxy with Rapidleech?

I'm almost certain most of this isn't going to work with the some/most of the plugins as they are atm, since when programming it for use, the required code for allowing proxy use was probably not included. Anyway here's how you do it, hoping it will work for you!

Open the settings tab, then click the 'Use Proxy Settings' checkbox. Now fill in 'Proxy', 'Username' and 'Pass'. User and pass are obvious, you will have to ask the proxy owner to give you them, or you will be given them. also you will be given a proxy (say from proxy.org) in the format ip:port - enter this into the 'Proxy' box, e.g. 123.456.78.9:8080. If the proxy doesn't specify a port then try using port 80 explicitly, e.g. 123.456.78.9:80.

Using Rapidleech

How do I upload files to filehosting sites?

Go to the Files tab, then select Action -> Upload. Then select a filehosting site of your choice. If you want to upload many files automatically, use the auto-uploader (see the button in the left column).

How do I extract RAR files?

It is possible to extract RAR files, using the plusRAR mod by DanielX_x, see forum index for more info and link.

Rapidleech Development Questions

I want to help Rapidleech development, what should I do?

Look at our Development Introduction, it will guide you to developing Rapidleech.

I'd like to help, but I don't know programming, what should I do?

There are many ways you can contribute to Rapidleech. You can help us moderate our forum, create new skins for Rapidleech if you are good in web designing, or even help us write articles to make our wiki more complete!