
After almost 3 years in a biopharmaceutical start-up, I have joined the ISEM laboratory of the Montpellier University as a lecturer. Since January 2012 I am now a full Professor at the Institut Agro - Montpellier and member of the GE2POP team of the AGAP institut

My main research topics focus on DNA sequence analysis, phylogenomics and durum wheat.

You can also check my ResearchGate and Google Scholar profiles and my youtube channel "génomique et bioinformatique"

 E-mail: ranwez AT supagro DOT fr

Phone number : +33 (0)4 32 72 22 71

Vincent Ranwez
Equipe GE2POP, Bâtiment ARCAD
10 rue Arthur Young

34090 Montpellier