
Welcome to my homepage! I am an assistant professor at IIIT, Delhi.

I currently work on explainable AI, statistical tools such as causal inference and survival analysis in healthcare applications, and federated learning. If you are interested in my research and want to work with me on these topics, please feel free to drop in a mail and/or schedule a meeting.

News: Our paper titled 'DAGSurv: Directed Ayclic Graph Based Survival Analysis Using Deep Neural Networks' has been accepted at Asian Conference on Machine Learning (ACML) 2021. Congratulations Rahul Kukreja, Ansh Sharma and Dr. Shilpa Rao.

Exciting Hiring Opportunity: I am looking for a JRF (who can join as a PhD student at IIIT Delhi) for a recently sanctioned project from DST SERB. Please check the advertisement here: https://iiitd.ac.in/careers/ra

I serve as the Publicity chair for CODS-COMAD 2021. Gear up and present your work at CODS COMAD 2022, which is a hybrid event to be held at IIIT Bangalore. Choose your track from among so many different ones available- Look out for the CFP.

NEWS! New sponsored project from SERB, POWER grant: Title: 'On Personalized Federated Learning using Meta-learning and Bayesian Neural Networks'.

NEWS! New sponsored project from MEiTy approved: Title: 'A Data-Centric Approach to Study Fundamental Limits of Communication in Adversarial Wireless Networks'. I am hiring a JRF- please find the advertisement here: iiitd.ac.in/careers/ra .

NEWS! Our paper titled 'B-SMALL: A Bayesian Neural Network Approach to Sparse Model-agnostic Metalearning', has been accepted to the IEEE ICASSP 2021 (virtual conference).

NEWS! Our paper titled 'CAMTA: Causal Attention Model for Multi-touch Attribution', has been accepted to the 2020 DMS Workshop held in conjunction with ICDM 2020.