2019 Salmon Run


On September 21 and 22, 2019 Mike, N7WA, and I activated 20 WA counties east of the Cascade Crest. Mike lives in Kent, WA and I live in Moscow, ID so we met at our halfway point near Euphrata, WA at the home of Bob, N7UA, and Diane. They let us spend Friday night at their home. Thanks for the great hospitality, Bob and Diane.

We started the contest with Mike on the keyboard at the Grant-Adams county line with twelve 80 m QSOs with WA stations in the first three minutes (being on the county line each contact counts for two Qs). We stayed on the county line for half an hour and collected 30 Qs. Mike and I took turns operating for two hours and driving for two. We finished day one at my home in Moscow after 440 miles, 14 counties, and 259 QSOs.

After an early start from Moscow and 115 miles to the Pend Oreille-Spokane county line, Randy started day two with 34 PEND-SPO Qs in 30 minutes with 80 m WA stations again making a big contribution to the QSO count. Twenty, forty, and eighty meters were going well in Spokane, Stevens, and Lincoln counties until we turned north in Wilbur and encountered a "Keller Ferry Closed" sign. That was going to be our route to Ferry and Okanagan counties. We made a route adjustment and continued onward. Mike and I ended the day back at Bob's home in time to begin our separate trips homeward. For the two days we traveled over 900 miles.

Our final QSO count was 747 Qs and 63 mults for a claimed score of 140,616 which was higher than either of us have done in the last five years going back to 2014. The idea of trying 80 m in each county really paid off. A big Thank You to Eric, N7EPD, who suggested it and to our "WA 80m Regulars" (W7CD, N7EPD, W9PL/7, and W6OAT) who were often waiting for us as we changed counties and switched to 80 m.

Band QSOs Mults

80 144 14

40 147 11

20 456 38

Total 747 63

Operators in 40 states found us. Only ID, WY, ND, LA, DE, MD, RI, VT, NH, and ME were missing. DX stations that were successful were OM2VL with six counties, and DK2OY, DL3DXX, DL4ANC, and JA1YNE with two counties each. N7IR in AZ was our most constant companion. Gary caught us 31 times in all 20 of our counties. N7EPD in WA also caught us in all 20 counties. In addition to Gary and Eric, the following stations caught us 10 or more times, W6OAT (26), W7CD (19), N6MU (18), AD7AF (18), K9CW (16), W5TM (16), W9PL/7 (16), WA2VYA (14), NU7Y (13), K2SSS (12), W8PI (12), K3PA (10), and W7IU (10). A big Thank You to them and to everyone who worked us and to those who tried. Lots of contacts makes for a great contest.

Pictures and comments from along the route

Our operating spot on the GRAN-ADA county line. The rear most antenna is for 40 m. The most forward one can be switched from the cab for 20 or 80 m. We are in wheat field country where it is mostly flat, you can see forever, and the propagation is good.

Mike makes a quick QSO before the contest starts. The aluminum box on the dash is for adjusting the 20-80 m antenna. Between the control box and the steering wheel and mounted on the dash is a KX3. The matching 100 W amp is on the floor behind the driver. Mike likes to use a paddle for fills so he keeps it handy.

We've arrived at the PEND-SPO county line early on Sunday morning. Few wheat fields here north of Spokane. The dark wood looking thing that appears to be attached to Mike's truck is really a tree stump in the distance. This location was very good to us with many Qs in the half hour we sat there.

Randy starts Sunday on the PEND-SPO county line. Unlike Mike, Randy uses the keyboard for fills. He is a touch typist which is a good thing when the roads are smooth. Not so good a thing when the road is rough and fingers hit keys when they are not supposed to.

We're at the Ferry and Okanagan county line with pastures and mountains in the distance. We have taken our detour caused by the Keller Ferry being out of commission and are almost back on schedule. This was a good operating location with 37 Qs.

The Plan

Mike, N7WA, and I will meet near the center of Washington Friday evening and on Saturday, September 21, and Sunday, September 22, we will activate all 20 of the Washington counties east of the Cascade Crest. We'll use Mike's callsign of N7WA. Mike's truck has separate antennas for 20 and 40 so we can quickly switch between those bands which we will try to do in each county. Watch the RBN for N7WA/county, or some combination of that, because we'll add the current county to the callsign. Our sunset will be around 0210 UTC so after that we will be mostly on 40 and 80 m. You can work us each time we change bands or counties. We will be on CW only frequencies ending between 038 and 039, such as 14.0386 or 7.0382 MHz. We hope to work as many of you as we can.

80m: Due to the encouragement of N7EPD and some testing this week, Mike and I will be on 80 m, ~3.538 MHz, for the first five minutes and the last five minutes in each county, including ALL the daylight hours. On Monday and Tuesday of this week between 9 am PDT and 6 pm PDT we were being spotted on RBN stations as far away as Reno, NV, 500 miles. We got 15 to 25 dB reports from BC and AB stations. We hope to be able to work stations in WA and nearby states perhaps as far away as southern CA. RBN spots will be a good way to find us so please give a listen on 80 m for N7WA.

Here is a time line and a Washington state map with our route.

County Timeline

September 21, 2019 (UTC)

September 22, 2019 (UTC)

+ We'll go at least until 0440. More if activity

and our stamina permits.

Route Map