MBCT for Children
Adults rarely associate childhood with anxiety, but more than one in ten children have anxious thoughts and fears debilitating enough to warrant an anxiety disorder diagnosis. It is essential that therapists who treat children and adolescents understand the most effective approaches for helping young people manage the seemingly overwhelming symptoms of anxiety before they develop into lifelong issues. Developed by mindfulness researchers Randye Semple and Jennifer Lee, the program in Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Anxious Children can be used in group or individual therapy.MBCT-C can help children and adolescents become more aware of their thoughts, emotions and behaviors, enhance their social-emotional resiliency, and help them learn to make more skillful life choices.This complete guide to conducting MBCT-C includes fun and age-appropriate experiential mindful awareness practices for use with anxious children and teens. It includes a full introduction to the theoretical basis and research support for the MBCT-C model, and includes sample session dialogues and suggestions for procedural variations for working with children of varying ages and types of anxiety.The included CD contains guided mindfulness practices and printable handouts for each session. Mental health practitioners will appreciate this complete and practical guide aimed to effectively improve the lives of children and adolescents who suffer from anxiety disorders.
Includes printable handouts, sample session dialogues, descriptions of specific exercises, and other practical case materials.