Research by Topic

Professor Randi Hjalmarsson

University of Gothenburg

Please use the drop down menu above or click on the links below to find research papers grouped by topic.

Research on biases in US, Swedish, and historical English jury decisions

Papers on race/ethnicity, gender, age, political affiliation, neighborhoods as well as path-dependency and the role of expected punishment.

Peer effects in prison, the health effects of prison, consequences of juvenile incarceration, the first police force

Discontinuities in victimization rates at age 16/18 in the Netherlands

Abortion, Gun Shows, Death Penalty, Minimum Legal Drinking Age Laws, Education, Mandatory conscription, age of criminal majority, voter disenfranchisement

Intergenerational and sibling correlations in crime

Jury Decisions at the Old Bailey Central Criminal Court of London in the 18th, 19th, and Early 20th Century

1829 formation of the London Metropolitan Police