About Me

Professor Randi Hjalmarsson

University of Gothenburg


 From 2024-2028, I will be working on a new set of projects on how to break the inequality-crime cycle funded by the European Research Council Advanced Grant.  More information here.

We are recruiting part-time research assistants! 

Job ad here. Deadline: June 1

Welcome to my personal webpage. I am a Professor of Economics at the University of GothenburgI am a labor economist, and have conducted extensive research on the economics of crime and the criminal justice system. 

My current research emphasizes:

Current Activities/Affiliations:    Member in The Prize Committee for the Alfred Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences (2023 - ), CEPR Research Fellow, Scientific Board of Swedish Prison and Probation Services (Kriminalvården),  Board of Editors for American Economic Journal: Economic Policy

Previous Activities/Affiliations:  Co-Editor, Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization (2020-2022), Council Member for the European Society of Population Economics (ESPE),  Executive Committee Member of the European Association of Labour Economics (EALE),  EEA representative and Chair of the European Job Market for Economists (EJME) Committee

My research has been funded by the European Research Council, Vetenskapsrådet (Swedish Research Council) Distinguished Young Researchers Program, Vetenskapsrådet project grants, US NSF Grant, Handelsbanken, and Foundation for Research in West Sweden.   

I received my PhD in economics from Yale University in 2005.   I was an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Maryland, School of Public Policy from 2005 to 2009, and a Lecturer and Professor at Queen Mary University of London from 2010-2013.

Links: University of Gothenburg webpage, google scholar page
