Introduction to Cryptography, with S. padhye and V. Saraswat, CRC Press- Taylor & Francis Group, 2018, ISBN-13: 978-1138071537, ISBN-10: 1138071536.
Lattice-Based Inner Product Argument, with Kuchta, V. and Sharma, G., 13th International Conference on Cryptology– AFRICACRYPT, Fes, Morocco, 2022, Batina, L., Daemen, J. (eds) LNCS 13503, Springer, pp 236-268.
Partitioned Searchable Encryption, with Barthel J., Beunardeau M., Rosie R., 15th International Conference on Provable and Practical Security- ProvSec 2021, Guangzhou, China, November 2021, Huang, Q., Yu, Y. (eds) LNCS 13059, Springer, pp 63-79.
Anonymous Proof-of-Asset Transactions using Designated Blind Signatures, with N. Sharma, V. Saraswat and J. Garcia-Alfaro, September 2020. Available online at
Anonymous Proof-of-Asset Transactions using Designated Blind Signatures, with N. Sharma, V. Saraswat and J. Garcia-Alfaro, 13th International Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security (FPS), Montreal, Canada, December 2020.
Supersingular Isogeny-Based Designated Verifier Blind Signature, with A. Gini. and A. Pal, IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2019: 1498 (2019).
A Twofold Group Key Agreement Protocol for NoC based MPSoCs, with G. Sharma, V. Kuchta, S. Ellinidou, S. Bala, O. Markowitch, and J-M Dricot, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, Wiley, 2019, Vol. 30(6).
Public-Key Encryption with Integrated Keyword Search, with V. Saraswat, G. Sharma, V. Kuchta and O. Markowitch, Journal of Hardware and Systems Security, Springer 2019, Vol. 3(1), pp. 12-25.
Anonymous yet Traceable Strong Designated Verifier Signature, with V. Kuchta, V. Saraswat, G. Sharma, N. Sharma and O. Markowitch, Information Security Conference- ISC 2018, London, Guildford, UK.
Fully Homomorphic Distributed Identity-Based Encryption Resilient to Continual Auxiliary Input Leakage, with F. Gerard, V. Kuchta, G. Sharma and O. Markowitch, International Conference on Security and Cryptography- SECRYPT 2018, Porto, Portugal.
A Twofold Group Key Agreement Protocol for NoC based MPSoCs, with G. Sharma, V. Kuchta, S. Ellinidou, O. Markowitch, and J-M Dricot, International Conference on Privacy Security and Trust- PST 2018, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK.
Secure Communication on NoC based MPSoC, with G. Sharma, S. Ellinidou, V. Kuchta, O. Markowitch and J-M Dricot, Security and Privacy in Communication Networks- SecureComm 2018, Singapore, Singapore.
A Secure Anonymous Proxy Signcryption Scheme, With V. Saraswat and A. K. Awasthi, Journal of Mathematical Cryptology, 2017, 11(2), pp. 63-84.
On New Zero-Knowledge Arguments for Attribute-Based Group Signatures from Lattices, With V. Kuchta, G. Sharma and O. Markowitch, International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology - ICISC 2017, Seoul, South Korea.
Multi-Party (Leveled) Homomorphic Encryption on Identity-Based and Attribute-Based Settings, With V. Kuchta, G. Sharma and O. Markowitch, International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology - ICISC 2017, Seoul, South Korea.
Authenticated Group Key Agreement Protocol without Pairing, With G. Sharma, V. Kuchta, O. Markowitch and S. Bala, International Conference on Information and Communication Security- ICICS 2017, Beijing, China.
Short Integrated PKE+PEKS in Standard Model, With V. Saraswat, International Conference on Security, Privacy, and Applied Cryptography Engineering- SPACE 2017, Goa, India.
Generic Framework for Attribute-Based Group Signature, With V. Kuchta, G. Sharma and O. Markowitch, International Symposium on Security and Privacy in Social Networks and Big Data- SocialSec 2017, Melbourne, Australia.
Secure Certificateless Proxy Re-encryption Without Pairing, With V. Kuchta, G. Sharma, T. Bhatia and O. Markowitch, International Workshop on Security- IWSEC 2017, Hiroshima, Japan.
Adaptively Secure Strong Designated Signature, With N. Sharma, V. Saraswat and B.K. Sharma, International Conference on Cryptology in India- Indocrypt 2016, Kolkata, India.
Efficient Proxy Signature Scheme from Pairings, With F. Buccafurri and V. Saraswat, International Conference on Security and Privacy- SeCrypt 2016, Lisbon, Portugal.
Differential Fault Attack on SIMECK, With V. Nalla and V. Saraswat, CS2@ HiPEAC Conference, Prague, Czech Republic 2016.
Efficient and Secure Many-to-One Signature Delegation, With V. Saraswat, International Conference on Information and Communication Security- ICICS 2015, Beijing, China, LNCS 9543, Springer-Verlag.
Practical and Secure Integrated PKE+PEKS with Keyword Privacy, With F. Buccafurri, G. Lax and V. Saraswat, International Conference on Security and Privacy- SeCrypt 2015, Colmar, Alsace, France, SCITEPRESS, pp. 448-453 .
Efficient and Provable Secure Scheme for Delegation of Signing Rights between the Groups, With S. Padhye and N. Ojha, Annals of Telecommunications, Springer 2015, pp. 369-379.
An Anonymous Proxy Multi-signature with Accountability, With V. Saraswat, E-Business and Telecommunications (Book Chapter), CCIS 554, Springer, 2015, pp. 234-254.
Secure and Efficient Scheme for Delegation of Signing Rights, With V. Saraswat, International Conference on Information and Communication Security- ICICS 2014, Hong Kong, LNCS 8958, Springer-Verlag, 2014, pp. 258-273.
A Secure Anonymous Proxy Multi-signature Scheme, With V. Saraswat, International Conference on Security and Privacy-SECRYPT 2014, Vienna, Austria, SCITEPRESS, pp. 55-66.
Identity-Based Multi-proxy Multi-Signature Scheme Provable Secure in Random Oracle Model, With S. Padhye, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, Wiley, 2013. Vol 26, Issue 4, pp. 547-558.
Provable Secure Identity-Based Multi-proxy Signature Scheme, With S. Padhye, International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley, 2013, Vol. 28, Issue 3, pp. 497-512.
Efficient ID-Based Proxy Multi-Signature Scheme Secure in Random Oracle, With S. Padhye, Frontiers of Computer Science, Springer, 2012, volume 6(4), pp. 421-428.
New ID-Based Proxy Multi-Signature from Pairings, With S. Padhye, ICIEIS-2011, Malaysia, CCIS 251(2), 2011, Springer-Verlag, pp. 174-184.
Efficient ID-Based Signature Scheme from Bilinear Map, PDCTA-2011, With S. Padhye, Tamilnadu, India, CCIS 203(1), 2011, Springer-Verlag, pp. 301-306.
Efficient ID- Based Multi-proxy Signature Scheme from Bilinear Pairing based on k-plus Problem, With S. Mishra, S. Padhye and R.S. Yadav, INTECH-2011, Sao Carlos Brazil, CCIS 165, 2011, Springer-Verlag, pp. 113-122,.
ID-Based Multi-proxy Multi-Signature Scheme from Bilinear Pairing, With S. Padhye, 5th WSEAS International Conference of Computer Engineering and Applications (CEA’11), Puerto Morelos, Mexico, 2011, pp. 43-48.
ID-Based Signature Schemes from Bilinear Pairing: A Survey, With S. Padhye, Frontiers of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Springer, 2011, volume 6(4), pp. 487–500.
An ID-Based Signature Scheme From Bilinear Pairing Based on k-plus Problem, With S. Mishra, S. Padhye and R.S. Yadav, IEEE International Conference on Electronics Computer Technology (ICECT 2011) Kanyakumari, India, pp.104-107.
An ID-Based Multi-proxy Multi-Signature Scheme, With S. Padhye, IEEE International Conference of Computer and Communication Technology ICCCT’10, MNNIT, Allahabad, India 2010, pp. 60-63.