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Rajeev Anand Sahu

Post Doctoral Researcher

University of Luxembourg


rajeevs.crypto AT gmail.com




I am a Researcher in the Cryptography and Blockchain R&D team EY at London. Prior to this position I was a Post Doctoral Researcher at University of Luxembourg  as a part of the Applied Crypto Group headed by Prof. Jean-Sébastien Coron within the FSTM.

Before that I spent two amazing years as a Post Doctoral Researcher at Université Libre de Bruxelles hosted by Prof. Olivier Markowitch. Even before that, I was Assistant Professor and Researcher at CRRao AIMSCS Hyderabad, India.

I received my Ph.D. in Cryptography from NIT Allahabad, India advised by Dr. S. Padhye.

My major area of research is Public Key Cryptography. Particularly, I have been working on Digital Signatures, Zero-Knowledge Proof, Post-Quantum Cryptography, Searchable Encryption and Anonymity.

I have co-authored a book 'Introdcution to Cryptography' with S. Padhye and V. Saraswat.

Google Scholar Citations of my papers can be found here.

And my dblp here.