Raicho Bojilov

Contact Information:


Phone: ++56 2 2354 4967


Business School, Faculty of Economics and Business

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Avenida Vicuña Mackenna 4860

Macul 7820436

Santiago, Chile


2018 - Present Assistant Professor, Business School; Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Santiago, Chile

2013 - Present Associated Member, CREST-Ecole Polytechnique; Paris, France

2013 - Present Junior Fellow, Center for Capitalism and Society; New York, US

2012 - 2015 Associated Member, CREST; Paris, France

2011 - 2018 Assistant Professor, Economics, Ecole Polytechnique; Paris, France

Research and Teaching Interests:

Personnel Economics, Organizational Economics, Labor Economics


2011 Ph.D. Economics, Columbia University

2008 M. Phil. Economics, Columbia University

2007 M.A. Economics, Columbia University

2005 B. A. Economics and Political Science, Grinnell College

2004 General Course, London School of Economics


2009 Presidential Award for Outstanding Teaching, Columbia University

2009 Wueller Award for Pre-Dissertation Proposal; Economics, Columbia University

2009 Lewis A. Sanders Endowed Fellowship, Columbia University

2008 Wueller Award for Third-Year Paper Proposal; Economics, Columbia University

2007 Wueller Teaching Award; Economics, Columbia University


“Matching in Closed-Form : Equilibrium, Identification, and Comparative Statics,” with A. Galichon; Economic Theory (2016)

“Referrals and Search Efficiency: Who Learns What When? ” with L. Munasinghe and T. Barr; Journal of Labor Economics (accepted)

"Sources of Indigenous Innovation and Channels of Its Transmission Across Countries," with E. Phelps (submitted)

“Incentives to Work or Incentives to Quit?” working paper (submitted)

“Estimating the Effects of Incentives When Workers Learn about Their Ability” working paper (submitted)

“Effect of Economic Beliefs and Attitudes on Economic Performance,” with E. Phelps (in preparation)

"Do Interviewers Affect Hiring and Employment Outcomes?" with T. Barr, K. Gautier, and L. Munasinghe (in preparation)

“Dynamism and Economic Performance: Preliminary Report” with E. Phelps; working paper

Research in Progress:

“Implicit Incentives of Referrals,” with L. Munasinghe and T. Barr

“Statistical Discrimination during the Hiring Process,” with L. Munasinghe and T. Barr

“The Perils of Estimating the Effects of Referrals,” with L. Munasinghe and T. Barr

“Matching with Supervisors, Co-workers, or Technology?” with L. Munasinghe


Topics in Personnel Economics (2018-present)

Labor and Personnel Economics, graduate; Ecole Polytechnique (2015-2018)

Advanced Theory and Econometrics of Contracts, graduate; Ecole Polytechnique and ENSAE (2016-2018)

Introduction to Economics, undergraduate; Ecole Polytechnique (2014-2018)

Economics of Contracts, graduate; Ecole Polytechnique (2011-2015)

Econometrics and Evaluation of Public Policy, graduate; with C. Belzil; Ecole Polytechnique (2011-2013)

Intermediate Microeconomics, undergraduate; Columbia University (2010)

Other Teaching:

Intermediate Microeconomics (undergraduate), instructor (2010)

Microeconomic Analysis II (graduate), assistant to P. Dutta and B. Salanié (2010)

Urban Economics (undergraduate), assistant to B. O’Flaherty (2009)

Intermediate Microeconomics (undergraduate), assistant to A. C. Musatti (2008)

Microeconomic Analysis I (graduate), assistant to P. A. Chiappori and P. Siconolfi (2007)

Intermediate Microeconomics (undergraduate), assistant to B. Salanié (2007)

Microeconomic Analysis I (graduate), assistant to P. A. Chiappori and P. Siconolfi (2006)

Other Experience:

2006 - 2007 Research Assistant to E. Phelps

2003 Research Intern, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Banking Supervision and Regulation; San Francisco, CA

2002 Research Intern, Institute for Market Economics; Sofia, Bulgaria

Professional Activity:

Referee, Journal of Labor Economics Economic Theory, Economica, European Economic Review, Journal of Labor Economics, Labor Economics, Review of Economics of the Household, Annals of Economics and Statistics