Research (Academic)


  1. The Distributional effect of Trade on the CEO Market. (with Francisco Parro and J.L. Correa). Economica (2023) (PDF)

  2. Gender Wage Gap and Firm Market Power in Chile. (with Javier Finot and Mauricio Villena). Applied Economics (2022) (PDF)

  3. Maternal stress during pregnancy and early childhood development. (with Matias Berthelon and Diana Kruger). Economics and Human Biology (2021), Volume 43, (PDF)

  4. Estimating Local Government Efficiency using a Panel Data Parametric Approach: The Case of Chilean Municipalities. (with Francisca Pacheco and Mauricio Villena). Applied Economics (2021), Volume 53, Issue 3, 292–314. (PDF)

  5. How Do Business Schools compete in Latin America?Stability and Best Predictors of Success for the AmericaEconomia MBA Ranking . (with Maria Jose Quinteros and Mauricio Villena) .Applied Economics (2020), Volume 52, Issue 50, 5546-5563. (PDF)

  6. Does a Mandatory Reduction of Standard Working Hours Improve Employees' Health Status?. Industrial Relations (2017), Volume 56, Issue 1, 3:39.(PDF)

  7. Credit Constraints in Higher Education in a Context of Unobserved Heterogeneity. (with Eugenio Rojas and Mauricio Villena). Economics of Education Review (2016), Volume 52, June, 225:250. (PDF).

  8. The Unintended Consequences of Childcare Regulation: A Regression Discontinuity Approach. (with Eugenio Rojas and Mauricio Villena). Journal of Applied Economics (2016), Volume XIX, No.1, May, 1:40. Lead Article. (PDF).

  9. Do Reductions of Standard Hours Affect Employment Transitions?: Evidence from Chile. Labour Economics (2013), Volume 20, January, 24:37. (PDF)

Working Papers

  1. Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Effects of Nursery Care in the Medium Run under Unobserved Heterogeneity (with David Contreras). Submitted.

  2. Estimating the impact of teachers' quality on Tertiary education attendance: Value Added versus Evaluation Tests. (with G. Villarroel, J. Díaz and M. Villena). Submitted.

  3. Gender Wage Gap and Firms’ Dynamic Monopsony: Voluntary versus Involuntary Separations (with Javier Finot and Mauricio Villena). Draft.

  4. Teacher Quality and Teaching Practices: How they impact students’ cognitive skills. (with G. Villarroel). Draft.

  5. Do Unemployment Insurance Saving Accounts affect the quality of the job match?. A Regression Discontinuity Approach (with Eugenio Rojas). Draft.

  6. Does early childcare affects medium term academic output?: Evidence from Chile. (with I. Zapata and E. Rojas)

Work in Progress

  1. Exclusive versus mixed breastfeeding and child development: Evidence from Chile. Work in progress.

  2. Dynamic Monopsony Power in Local Labor Markets (with Esteban López and Juan Pedro Eberhard). Work in Progress.

  3. Severance Payments and its effects on umeployment durations. Work in progress.

  4. The Effect of School Voucher Spending on Initial Earnings (with Francisco Parro and Juan Luis Correa). Work in progress.

  5. Teachers' Subject Specialization versus Generalists (with Wiji Arulampalam and Mario San Clemente). Work in progress.

  6. Longer school days and their long run effects on labor market outcomes. (with M. Berthelon, D. Kruger and C. Zamora). Work in Progress.

  7. Sexual Identity, Labor Market and Subjective Well Being: The Cost of Being Different. Work in Progress.

  8. Teacher value added, missallocation and labor market outcomes in Chile. (with F. Parro, T. Pougatch and J. Correa). Work in progress.

  9. Effects of pollution on children's labor market outcomes (with J. Rojas, F. Parro and J. Correa). Work in progress.